Quick claims are too quick

I had a eurpean join my service with same mindset… I always say look the queen… or hey is there anyone playing POLO or Wearing a new hat. LOL… against guns against everything america is… but here he is collecting a fucking paycheck.

Well let’s see, if there was no military in Brittain, or the Americans to call to save your asses, you would be speaking German and probably enslaved. Or are you so smart that you can’t use a rational train of thoughts to figure out how history might have ended up???

Is it courier? he after my rights?

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Fuck off Buddha tired of your shit.

Are we on WW1 or WW2 now. I’ll give you WW1, that was a solid effort.


Both you uneducated piece of shit.

I gotta go work out see yah later

I don’t think I am who you think I am, Also I am Australian so we didn’t have that many rights, historically. Were convicts :o

So why did this turn in a political topic now… politics never brought any good to people xD… also go to off topic category…

Fucking social worker my ass. No social worker would sit here and deliberately cause a raucous for lolz the way you do. You’re a lying piece of shit.

Yeah I said that’s what I used to do. :o I’m more of an academic now but I also do some Environmental Health and toxicology stuff some times :3 :3 :0

Because Jysty likes to start shit for a laugh. Because he’s a little troll bitch.

I mean it was pretty funny at points, but no it wasn’t the purpose :o

Ok yall need to move to off topic or have this convo in DMs before both of you dont get fkd by courier xD aka devs or mods on forums lmfao

Bro we just buffing forum claims jeez.

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Kappa sure

I could honestly give two fucks, anyone that takes the military for granted while talking some bullshit the way he does can suck my dick

XD dammit ok u two boys play nice now :3

I actively campaign to defund the military, yes. I don’t think its a good example to set in 2020. Plus I’m not scared of foreigners, ya know?