Real talk: why are so many gamers Ignorant? (Discussion)

Thanks for this reply. Good and thought out. I always appreciate these kindsn

Has he been going rampant elsewhere?

No fkn clue, I just saw it and was like, why? Lmao they fkn tripping

It sucked. And you should feel bad for liking it. Lol

I never played it heard it was bad though

A lot of people looked at it and cried overwatch clone. Admittedly it had itā€™s similarities but the gameplay was very different. Much more fast past and hectic. And there was no bullshit counter characters or stun locks.

It was an incredibly fun game for its foundation. The zero gravity zones were a ton of fun and being able to propel yourself forwards in said zones while pressing down on the D pad to shoot behind you made it a lot more interesting. Pretty exciting if you got a kill doing that too.

A lot of the classes were pretty similar to overwatchā€™s. But thatā€™s pretty much where the similarity ends.

You had a dual wielding character that felt a bit like Tracer, but his weapons worked differently. One gun was a charged shot which was extremely satisfying to get a kill with. The other I honestly canā€™t remember.

Then you had maverick who could fly about the map while shooting a minigun.

There was more. But my absolute favourite was the assassin. Hardest to play but the most fun. She could grapple on to enemies, zip up to them and slash them with her sword, then she could drop down swap to a shotgun and blast away.

Overall it was a really good game. At least for the start. Obviously no new maps and stuff didnā€™t help. But sadly the game failed for a lot of reasons. It not being on Xbox, it not being free to play like it was intended, Cliffy B being Cliffy B, lack of support. Itā€™s a shame really. Game couldā€™ve came a long way and no doubt become a popular game.

God I miss that game :(

I wanted to try it, but when I heard it was bad I was like, well, guess I wont lol.

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bitch cry moar.
I donā€™t care how old a post is. Iā€™ll post what and where I want like anyone else.
Also where the fuck does your DUMB FUCKING ASS come from calling ANYONE else a ā€œno life mother fuckerā€ when you literally writing novella sizd posts of bullshit about what you think is why the game, and itā€™s community is shit.

Youā€™re why, shit stain! Youā€™re the ignorant gamer youā€™re asking about. And i bring up TLOU2 cuz for even daring to MENTION Iā€™m trans I get memes from that game thrown at me in posts where Iā€™m posting about bad customization.
And those exact same stupid disingenuous continuity arguments. Your idiotic ā€œvote with your walletā€ book is political, you imbecile. Everything the fuck is. You arenā€™t smart. Iā€™ll keep posting about trans shit everywhere I go, because you canā€™t fucking stop me. You can just throw an ironic bitch fit like everyone the fuck else, and prove yourself as ignorant as you lament the player base is.

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Never let other peopleā€™s opinions sway you. You can hear a game is complete dog shit but then you play it for yourself and then you realise that you enjoy the game and think itā€™s good. This pretty much applies to a lot of things in life. TV shows, movies, food etc. Itā€™s all down to preference.

But I bring it up because I strongly believe that it was one of the most balanced PvP games Iā€™ve ever played. No single character felt OP or underpowered, no map nor mode felt one sided. And I donā€™t ever recall anyone complaining about balance in that game. Maybe they did though and I just donā€™t remember. Maybe Iā€™m just looking at the game through rose tinted glasses. But what I do remember is how much fun I had playing it. I would give anything just to play it again for one last time. I know Iā€™ve said that every time I talk about the game but I really mean it lol.

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I mean it takes one to know one so while you got me there, its a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

Wait are you onlyhereforpreds? This a second account? Regardless, Im sorry that that happens to you. Nobody deserves to be descriminated against, especially for something that is so off topic from the rest of this (Explains why you brought up TLOU2 tho). While I agree that the reaction to a trans inclusion in that game has been fucking dumb, Like I said, if the story was bad in the long run, it doesnt matter who they do/dont include imo. But most other people are still stuck in the past, and we are living smack dab in the middle of times where people are both uncomfortable/hateful about trans people, and inclusions are being put down to try and normalize it so people can stop treating others like shit for it. Its rough times, and I respect you for pushing through that.

Finally I did say

So I acknowledge that I very well could be just another dumbass. nonetheless, I want games to be fun again. And I do my best to explain to people, no matter how nasty they get, why I think the way I do. People are free to disagree, Still, most cant even argue.

I apologize for being a dick in my last reply. but tbh you were too so, fairs fair. Ill just leave it there, and not push the aggression further.

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Wow. Iā€™m shocked. Have a heart react

Shocked? about what lol?

Perhaps thats why people disliked it? The lack of something to exploit means it really does come down to skill, and as such most gamers (Who lack skill beyond looking up a youtube video featuring an exploit, and then putting it to practice) get very easily frustrated then bored, then throw it away.

For a lot of people, like the ones who play Cod games, The fun is in how broken the game is, and how easily you can abuse certain things. At least I suspect that to be the case. Regardless, Its a shame that a game you found to be perfectly balanced fell off so hard.

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Yeah thatā€™s definitely one of the factors of why the game failed. Funnily enough most of the reasons why the game flopped had very little to do with the game at all but how it was marketed etc lol. Too bad something similar happened to drawn to death. That wasnā€™t a balanced game but it sure as shit was fun.

Lawbreakers was definitely not an easy game though. Skill gap was pretty big. It was very difficult to get into the game if you were new and didnā€™t want to put the time into it. So I guess it left a lot of players frustrated. If someone was dominating a match, you knew they were good and not just abusing a cheesy meta. Sadly the player count was pretty low so new players were being thrown into matches with veteran players so that probably didnā€™t help much.

It really is a shame. Good foundation with a lot of potential only to fall so hard. Really shouldā€™ve stuck with the idea of the game being free to play, that wouldā€™ve helped a lot. Thatā€™s why you always see me begging for offline bot modes even if theyā€™re shitty ones. Never good to see a good game become unplayable.

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Games with big skill gaps usually donā€™t do very well. Fighting games are a good example.


Marketing really is key. I mean tbh I havent seen good marketing in a while. my only place for seeing non triple a games is steam, but steam is so cluttered with these fucking weeb games at this point that I literally never see anything new that interests me. Its a hard market to sell in unless you have a title like this game does to lure people in. Its a shame, but thats what the internet has done to us to some extent.

And yea man a low playerbase never helps. Only makes getting rekt that much harder. Still, At least some people got to play it and experience it. I didnt personally, which Is unfortunate. I would have loved to, but I was too young I think to really appreciate balance.

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Sad truth. So many people just donā€™t want bother to learn the game. Same kinda people that begged for an easy mode on sekiro.


Also thats right @Fire

IM calling you out!

I wasnā€™t expecting any level of humility or humanity.

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Yeah I donā€™t know when it started but catering to casuals is so fricken lame. It actually use to feel good when you accomplished something in videogames because it was challenging now itā€™s just whatever on to the next thing yawn.

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Oh man the marketing was awful. Especially at the time. The game released not too long after overwatch so that really didnā€™t help. Now if it was free to play it might have stood a chance against overwatch. But it had hardly any ads for it, not a lot of talk for it. And Cliffy B being an all round douche bag with his edgy teen attitude bragging about it, slamming other Devs, calling console players noobs and PC players pirates lmfao.

Sadly thatā€™s just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many more reasons the game flopped.

Guess Iā€™m one of the fortunate that got to play the game and enjoy it. But the gameā€™s death taught itā€™s players a very valuable lesson. Never take things for granted because before you know it, itā€™s gone. Always treasure those special moments before they fade away and become nothing more than memories.