Samurai looks SUH dumb

Hahahahaha I’ve had nothing but a valid point this whole time you are the one changing and flipping every 2 seconds. Goodbye indeed moron!

So everyone who was upset with the jungle hunters look, put it in feedback, then had it CHANGED was wrong Hahahahahahahah get farmed GG ez

Those were valid criticisms because the Jungle Hunter wasn’t accurate to the film. There is no source for the Samurai predator except a short story called “3 Sparks”. So there is no visual reference for accuracy therefore creative freedoms were taken.

I see you’re typing. You should stop because I’m objectively correct because that’s what the platform is for. And it’s been done before. Jungle hunter wasn’t right so we voiced our opinion and it was changed. So stop trying it’s big sad

Right. And in my opinion I don’t like them. If you do, awesome. I’m glad you have thoughts on it

To be fair. The title suggested this thread will be a whole shitshow. I wasn’t disappointed.


Lol right

Lol right? I read his post, but I wouldn’t need to. Just looking at the title tells you it’s just a bitch rant with no objective criticism.

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You’re a douche. Just a phat phat douche. Complaints are allowed goon

The criticism is that the cosmetic is disappointing you twat

If you can’t comprehend that this is valid I don’t know what to tell you. If you’d like to play me so I can rofflestomp you we could do that

That’s an opinion. Opinions by nature are subjective, which is never good feedback.,others%20without%20making%20it%20personal.

Educate yourself before you…ah who am I kidding. You’ve already wrecked yourself. Probably stewing in a diaper in his mom’s basement right now.

You’re a fucktard dude. THATS WHAT FEEDBACK IS. Our opinion on something. Such a goon ass. Nice job flopping your point all over the place and landing on this one hoping it sticks. Tool ass bitch

I’m sorry but facts don’t care about your feelings, and it’s obvious you have a whole lot of feelings and little to no facts. You know who else responds in these types of ways? Children. I don’t know how old you are, you may be a kid or you may be an adult, either way you have a lot of growing up to do.

You just wanted to bitch and whine at someone today you would not have given a fuck what the topic was. If I said general discussion you’d still be here like a pathetic twat trying to sound right. We all know your type lol

Do me a favor and go to the feedback main thread and read what illfonic states concerning what feedback THEY would like to see. Your post is in violation as I have been trying to say. Again facts don’t care about your feelings.

Did you just quote ben😂😂😂 such a bad debater you have to use other people’s shit. At no point did I argue using feelings you are literally spewing NONSENSE trying to sound right😂 you’re so desperate to sound smart it’s comical

Again, you would be ranting this nonsense either way you are just stuck on this point cause it’s all you feel like you have at this point lol if I said general you’d be like, this seems more like feedback. What are you even on about guy!

“You have no facts” dipshit this is a SUBJECTIVE MATTER. Did you pass grade school😂 LAWDY you’re sad

Part of feedback is providing constructive suggestions on where you think said product could be improved.

You are just giving an opinion. Which is cool and all, not really feedback.
