Samurai looks SUH dumb

Oh no I’ve been cornered. OH NO

So I’m just completely out witted here because I didint post my redrawn version of the armor smh

Your entire post is emotional one. Not one fact in it. Here’s the link since you are to dense to do it yourself.

Subjective arguments are never good ones. Only objective one’s.

Perfect example that you yourself brought up.

'87 Predator skin. People were upset because it wasn’t true to the source material. Yeah, people were pissed, but they had an objective truth: the '87 Jungle Hunter skin wasn’t honoring the original '87 appearance.

You complain about the Samurai Predator, because it isn’t what you thought it would be in your head. Full stop. That’s it. Your pathetic emotions frothing forward like some pubescent delinquent. There is no source for Samurai Predator other than a figure or 2 and little written material, but a Samurai predator could be any Predator that hunted in Feudal Japan, therefore there could have been many. There is not one definitive Samurai Predator.

Take your opinions to the DISCUSSION forum I’ll even link that for your pea brain.

@ Exanguinate Glad someone gets it.

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Except this wasn’t your point in the begging. You changed like six times and now we are here and you’re hoping it sticks. It wasn’t toxic till your bitch ass showed up. I literally have said what i want changed. So even if you were right, you’re still wrong cause I have said what it should be. You’re wrong. Get over it kiddo

My original point was “you’re an entitled twat”, because you think that just because you don’t like it that they should change it just because it wasn’t what you thought it should be. Imagine if they listened to every dumb fuck with an opinion like yourself. A mess would ensue.

That point led to further points about what is wrong with your post.
It’s a bitch rant with little substance.
You said you expected : “He will have like samurai influences on his armor from trophies he took or something.”

His armor is literally stylized off of Samurai armor, but keeping in line with predator style. It’s a fusion. Is your idea of incorporating actual Samurai armor cool? Sure, but that’s not what happened. And unlike the case of the '87 hunter skin, which had actual source image material, your vision is in your head and honestly they don’t give a shit about what you feel it should have been especially when a great many like what we got. So if they were to change it how is that fair to the people who like the Samurai skin? Oh right but they’re dumb just like the people who came up with it. Do you really expect the people you insulted in your rant to bend the knee to you and change it because of your feelings? Like I said. Entitled. Little. Bitch.

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Didint read this cause it’s too long. Suck it loser lolz

Let’s settle this the old fashioned way and I’ll clap you in game bitch boi

I’m not trying to outwit anyone here.

There seemed to be some confusion on the actual definition of feedback, so I clarified.

Do with the information as you will, or won’t.

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You want to settle it in a game because you can’t settle it here, because you are weak, wrong, desperate and unwilling to hear opposing points of view in order to counter them or you are just unable to. So challenging me to a game is just you admitting defeat in my eyes.

Hahahahaha no I’m right you just won’t stop and it’s quite cringe. You are clearly CLEARLY wrong. I gave my feedback. Your argument is I should not. Like wat😂

So you don’t wanna get your cheeks clapped then lol

You gave your opinion. As exanguinate already put simply and concisely your post wasn’t feedback, just an opinion rant, therefore it’s not valid feedback that helps the devs at all.

Opinions are feedback goon face. So anyways wanna get clapped

Opinions CAN be feedback only if they are constructive and address an actual issue devoid of personal/emotional bias.
Emotional jackass opinions on a cosmetic that is 100% not tied to source material are not considered feedback, but rants. Rants are unnecessary, but if you must go to discussions forum.

That’s cool man your opinion! You wanna play though?

Not interested, I find it funny how you edited your original post though to not be as insulting towards the devs. Candyass.

I never edited it😂😂 it’s literally the original post dipshit

Lies to try and make point. Very good very good lol

Then you won’t mind screenshotting and sharing lol