Should we get community moderators? (Poll and recommendations in replies.) Please come vote.
Thats what all Edgy teens look like duhhh, He is just using he natural hair glue to spike it up
Eh that Ryan guy was a piece of shit who ran away from good teams as pred. Just rage quit.
Why is it like beetlejuice? Say his name too many times and he appears? Better not say it anymore 🤐
Dam what a shame.
He probably got picked up by denmark. I heard some denmark tennis player killed themselfs because a troll said she had old man knees or something
next thing you know some kid flys in screaming about targit iso
Sweet Jesus what in the hell. Weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while.
Not a south park fan?
Ohhhh crap I remember that episode now haha. Skankhunt42 right?
Yeah lol. I pretty sure DedeyeBuddha is really responsible lol
Yeah he’s definitely the real version. Kyle’s dad was just a decoy. We know you’re still out there skankhunt!
Ohhh god. What if he is Ike and Ike is he. Ohhh god.
Has to be. They’re around the same age. 🤔
Ohhh oh. I need a Canadian to confirm their heads are like that @SammyToeJr is ur head two separate pieces? Do yall enjoy fart jokes so much to make a movie. Also do you know the Trailer Park Boys?
Can confirm.
But there also missing out on the weed part.
here in canada its ok to smoke as much as you want just dont drive and dont do it on work. if you wanna get high on your break. they look at it here like your drinking water.
why are canadians so nice? were all fucking stoned
putting a non-professional or people from the community as a moderator would turn this into a subjective dictatorship of people with no direct relationship to illfonic. There are already enough powerless people in these threads telling others what they can and can’t complain about, and what they should talk about or not. YES to a moderator who is not from the community