So, is the new meta that the FT hunts the Predator with a knife now?

It is about time some FT do this. We are all fed up with how the Predator is OP as hell and are now just doing stuff to fuck with Predator main players. About time we strike back about the non existing balance in the game.

Lol, but it makes no sense! What do you mean its about time? Also, the Predator is not over powered, not by a long shot and as I said in my original post, I’ve won and lost games on both sides. I agree the game needs some seriously balancing issues sorted for sure, but FT hunting the Predator seems ridiculous. I want to hunt my prey, and stalk them, not have them camping on roofs or running in a group with knifes out, trying to stab me. And, when you say “were all fed up”, am I right in saying you mean the FT main players?

The reason I ask is I dont get this Pred main or FT main milarky and I play equally the same, and not bad at both species, but I can say that the Predator is not over powered and if anything, this game still caters more to the Fire Team in general. You have explosives, flashbangs, a powerful array of weapons and…theirs 4 of you, and from the games I usually play, a good FT can completely obliterate the Predator pretty quickly. I really dont understand why you would buy this game and just play one side. Its becoming a common subject with this game where FT players slag off Predator players and vice versa, like, whats that all about, its a bloody Predator game lol. Maybe its me, but Im sure im not alone with that.

Just another thing to add too, the Predator can loose his Bio mask. I’ve had this happen a fair bit and I can tell you, your chances arnt good if theres still a full team left, especially if they decide to hide under buildings etc and wait for extraction.


I just love when people tell me the predator isn’t buffed as hell and is so weak that they lose constantly with him. If that was true then why are the wait times for the predator like 5-6 minutes, why is everyone rushing to play Predator if they lose so much with him? Who plays a class that loses so much and still has fun? Answer is no one and we all know it. If predator was so bad you would all be playing FT all the time yet the FT base is becoming less and less alive. Also a lot of FT equipment is total crap. No one needs or uses things like the smoke granade or the audio decoy or even the flash because they are close to pointless. Same goes for guns. How many FT members uses pistols? Answer-zero. How many use anything but the last submachinegun? No one. How many even use anything but the one good shotgun? No one. In every match it is either sniper rifle or machinegun and as a secondary either mini gun or the powerful submachinegun,sometime the shotgun. There are like 5 weapons in the FT arsenal that are sort of good and I wouldn’t even put the shotgun on the list if I have to be honest. Also so many of the perks of the FT are useless like Yautja Bane or OWFL training and so many others that I don’t even remember their name cause I never tried them more than once. We are either choosing the perks with less dmg from AI or the perk that let’s you stay in mud longer or the quick reload or less recoil perk. The others have zero to no use. Also the Zerker predator isn’t just buffed he is godlike. Predator players using him don’t even cloak half the time cause they know his health is OP as shit and can just jump down, take fire from the entire fireteam, down at least one of us, long claim him, jump out fast and not even heal. Shit like the leap slam is so OP it does dmg through buildings and 2 floors worth of stairs. The leap slam has so much AOE dmg that Zerker can just spam that and in two 2 leap slams I am dead as a FT member. There is no way to counter or avoid a leap slam not matter what and no matter where you are. Plasmacaster is also OP as hell that it can fire over 10 shots without the predator going for a reload. You can’t engage a predator who does Plasmacaster fire against you cause his gun does AOE damage too and far more than whatever your gun deals. Probably over 20 bullets of FT equal 1 full charged or even half assed charged Plasmacaster shot depending on the weapon. I have been downed by like less then 3 Plasmacaster shots in some matches.

Yeah and all of what you’ve said is due to poor balancing, which I completely understand for sure. Also, the current perks do need fixing on both sides, as you are right, the majority dont really do anything beneficial for the player.

The Berserker is not god like anymore. He was post 1.10 patch, but from what I’ve seen, the Hunter/Elder have more luck in a match than a Berserker. Going back to you comment about pistols, I use the bog standard one on my Assault class, purely just for fun. Im not that fussed on how powerful it is, but I like to have varied weapons on all my classes.

You have to admit though, this game does lean more in favor of the fireteam. Even with customization options, the FT has more variaty. Regardless, going back to my original comment about the FT knifing the predator is still a really silly gaming style at the moment, and I do believe that is mainly down to balancing issues on both sides and not just the FT.

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The thing with the knife I can agree on but we are all using the knife cause it deals the most damage. A blast from a shotgun straight to the face of the predator when he is downed deals less damage than a fucking knife. That is why you are seeing the FT go to hunt you down and parry you with the knife cause it is the most effective weapon in the game serving as both defense and offense. Actually if you switch directly to the knife the chances to parry a predator are much greater than if you are with a gun an hit the melee button. Game is broken as shit, devs don’t care. Hell they don’t even read or respond to comments.

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Sad that there’s only one way to hunt/survive with 1/2 specific loadouts (against good->really good players)…

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I agree with your comment about the issues with the Knife and why the FT use it, but I disagree with the comment about the Devs not caring. Its pretty old rubish you get with any game, but I’ve seen so many comments with this one about the devs not caring. They do care, and the love and detail about the IP shows, but they are a small team of about 70 or so staff, working through a frikking pandemic which no one on this planets ever been through in our life time for sure, so to say they dont give a shit is pretty harsh.

yes, this game has issue, its a bloody asymmetrical multiplayer game, and its going to take time to sort them out and get the balance right, and I feel they are going in the right direction.I certainly wouldn’t want there job, especially from a programming side. Like, FT is like a a more subtle COD style of game where as the Predator has a pretty complex predkour system. I know its a little too bugged at the moment, but I still like where this game is going.

When I first heard about this game, I was really excited, and still love the game. The thought of battling through the jungle against the Predator was just too good to ignore, and I think with time -and more maps- this will be an awesome addition to the Predator universe. At the moment though, it just feels way more in favor of a traditional FPS like COD, than a unique game and to be rather honest, the Predator SHOULD be over powered. The FT need be the ones that need to survive, and not the other way round like it is at the moment.

Net can be escaped in 1/4 of a second with a macro.

Thats another thing I’ve seen about this game. Forgive my ignorence, but what is a macro? Is it like a keybind or something? I’ve also seen this on the forums and mentioned in other games, but never quite understood what it is.

Also, would that be considered a cheat/exploit?

So can guns unload a full clip with a macro in 1s.

a macro is a programmed or recorded set of command that can be assigned to a single key (or button on programmable controllers).

So in this case you assign the interact key/button so be pressed 100 times per second when you hold the key or button.

insta net break.

Didn’t know this. Thanks for the tip though. I will be trying it out.

not anymore, they programmed a firing rate limit as of 1.08

Ahh I see, ok I understand. So it is like a keybind in a way. Surely that’s considered cheating though, and should be addressed if that’s the case? Is that what the AntiCheat thing is supposed to detect when you boot up this game?

don’t, it’s a cheap exploit and just means you’re shit if you use it.

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that can’t be detected (they have to put rate limiting into the game), there’s no way for anti cheat to know you’re not pushing the button that fast.

I see no problem in using it considering how OP predators are. It is a good way to level the playing field.

If you think pred is OP…

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Let me guess you play Only as Predator, right?


The insane wait times for pred lately actually mean I generally play more FT than pred.