Some players spot you easy...

If you ask me it’s not pc or console player its newbie or experienced player

i go with that had some games too they run after me how mych i jumped hide i whas always spotted even after a wall…the other day somebody headshot me everytime so im sure there are cheating in the game…every cheater who get caught have to be banned for good in this game

Would like to believe that - but, why does that happen just with PC players? Never experience such things with PS4 guys…

Cannot believe all PS4s are noobs :)

only one way… low settings on everything

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its really not that hard to head-shot 4 or 5 times on the preds huge dome piece. Remember this was for ps4 not for PC… adding in pc players makes balancing extremely difficult.


Has anyone been spotted not shot just spotted while fully invisible

had that many times sometimes i see ft coming im on the roof looking at them not moving and not shooting sitting there 10 sec and they come near and sniper shoot me and total invisible how you do that ?and dont think thats its over they spot you everywhere you go aimbot and wall hacking they spot you the time you get in range and there guns aims for there self

Could it be lag? Maybe on your screen you are still but to the fireteam you are still moving? I’ve had people bump into me and still not know I’m there, but other times they ping me like lights on a Christmas tree. I’ve had it work affectively but I’ve also had it almost useless. Connection would be my go to. I’m on ps4 but I have seen videos of pc when the graphics are set to the lowest available, there is no foilage on the trees what so ever and you are basically a black shadow that can be seen from hundreds of feet away. I’ve had questionable games for sure

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that can be i heard also that people put there graphics so low to see predator better… im playing on ultra with 90fps so i cant tell if its that or not …

Might fit into this thread too:

I know some people rely on the aim assist to let their ret hover for a bit and if it moves by itself they fire away

go to post cloak really? from weevo in the feedbacl and watch his video and i think we have our answer right there ^^

Yes, but just partly. We also tried the following out: predator hiding uncloaked and crouched right in the middle of the foliage. From the distance for our eyes not visible. Then still there are people, who immediately aim at him - all PC players.

OK, this one can be explained by low graphics settings, we already know. But the possibility to do such things renders crossplay senseless, from my POV. When I hide behind a bush which in the reality of my opponent is not there at all - I would call that idiotic…

And most of the videos I posted above show people shooting right through walls or even through mountains. There is no sensible explanation for this, right :)

You guys have all just to accept, that a lot of people here experience strange things JUST with PC players - or at least significantly more often and that, whether it is exploiting settings or bugs or cheating or differences in programming or whatsoever in the end is not relevant; if the PS4-folks just all switch off their crossplay option to avoid such things, the crossplay idea is dead.

So these things have to be addressed and fixed, otherwise boom, from my POV…