Speak With your Wallet.

I have, by purchasing Dutch and Samurai — plan on buying City Hunter also. 🤙🏻

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And Mr. Black and Scar and every other DLC they release too

Damn the fact that the majority of you are eager to keep raining money on them, despite the bugs/issues/imbalance/shady DLC is crazy.

That or im going crazy. @Fire please confirm lol.

I mean shit tho on a real note no disrespect ig. Yall do you. Theres no place for me here anymore.

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People behind this game are really bad at what the do. Huge que for the preds (for the most part) and they give 3 predators in a row for the pred and 1 for FT? Probably because they know the only ones silly enough to keep eating this garbage are the die hard fans that refuse to see the game for what it is!

Not spending another cent until the double the available content and fix at least the game braking bugs (getting stuck in trees qualifies as those).

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Then leave. I’m tired of you pussies crying that you’re gonna leave and you never do.


Lemme ask you something. What happens when you get city hunter or whatever skin you are looking for? You play with it for some time sure. But once you have that and dont have anything else to stick around for, how long do you think you’ll last before this game bores you too?

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Im just one of the few thats already passed that point.

Im buying every DLC they put out. Support is the key word here. Soon as new maps release all the crybabys will be fan boys again for 3 days. Lol


New maps arent enough. They are another bandaid to the crippling gameplay design.

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New maps are likely going to be bigger, and if the gameplay isnt changed enough, we will just have fast af fights, padded by long ass travel times around the map. Basically running for 2 min straight just to get into a 30 second fight. (Exagerated but you can see my point.)


Basically it will only make the game more tedious. New sights will be nice but I doubt they will last.

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Maps weapons and preds is enough for me to stick around. Obviously balancing and bug fixes included.


I mean thats what most people like me are asking for. We want balancing. But its been pushed to the wayside for cosmetics for the most part.

And because of that, every new pred/weapon/map, will be only interesting for as long as its new.

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The lack of response makes me think ive struck a nerve. Id imagine it strikes true with a lot of people. Time to test that theory.

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Sorry, but this forum is not only for bootlikers!

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Yes, I fully intend to! I will buy City Hunter the second he will become available!

No, I have an actual life my lack of a response was me actually doing something. And no, I never said that I only want skins I said that if you want to bitch then leave because nobody gives a fuck. We aren’t your mom we aren’t gonna sit here and console while you have a fucking tantrum.

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You’re not wrong. Idk if ima buy the city hunter or not.
Like I said I was giving it to August so, if by the end of August, they havent st least fixed the bugs, then ima stop playing for a while. I still do want this game to succeed.

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Jesus christ man. The one throwing a tantrum is you snapping and tryna roast him for no reason. It ain’t that serious.

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You know what now that I think about it…you’re right. Maps definitely won’t help that much. They’ll get old fast unless it’s something other than a jungle. You’re still going to be doing the same basic, boring objectives of holding a button for X amount of time. They really need to rework the mission design.


Yep. Its likely to be jungle in every map because I doubt they will create a new predkour system to accompany buildings or something like that. That would be a lot of work.