Stop being toxic

you liked an anime guess that means your a weeb now looks like were going to have to form a club because we liked an anime… oh noooooo

Amazing meme. Again it drove nothing… the only thing we got from all this is your def still a virgin

now whos Redirecting ;)

One day, I’ll build the perfect waifu

Not to REDIRECT on you but seeing as you just tryed it on me i feel that Gives me the Right to do it once here.

i find it funny to point out the guy that tells me i dont have a GF is the same guy that Believes the Earth is flat theres no such thing as Aliens and that 9/11 is an inside job.

like really? does this guy have any credit too his Name at all?

I bring up the word redirect… you like it so much you just cant stop lol…

Dude thats like, thats a Murderer calling a Store Shop lefter evil… like come on…

I did say 911 was an inside job cause i worked in the gov for 18 yrs

Right and but aliens arnt a thing Right? and the earth is Flat right? “worked for 18 years” i would be shocked to learn you worked for 1.

i love that all it had taken to push you over the edge too get you so mad at me was a few Alex jone memes and a John tron meme.

and all it can think to me self is

Again I dont know alex jones. But I do know 2 things are true…
Number1…Aliens do not exist.
Number2 …911 was an inside job.

Yhe earth is flat never said that. You can meme all u want about 911

hey man, If your allowed to believe what you want about me how is it unfair i do the same too you? Aliens 100000% do exist just Because we dont have the Tec to Explore the solar systems doesnt mean theres none in all of existtice to have ever existed, just sorry Math, logic, and well facts really saids other wise. did you know they Found water on mars? and not only that but microbes in side the water? so that kinda Proves you wrong as life is life no matter how small and it came form another planet soooooooooooooooooo argo aliens.

so if we went to our next door neighbour mars and found life. your still trying to tell me that theres nothing IN ANY FUCKING WORLD OUT THERE EVER AT ALL?

let me guess your also the type that thinks if a Tree falls down in the middle of the Forest but no one is there to hear it it doesnt make a sound right?

Bigfoot is my Father.

NASA is a government agency, keep that in mind. There’s no reason you should believe anything that NASA says.

Look into Project Blue Beam and Agenda 21 (Agenda 2030).

Honestly cant tell if your trying to make fun of him or me.

Then I have succeeded!

So when did the Government some how become liers and liers only?

what reason would they have to lie about something like that? and lets Grant that and say sure ok they did lie you know whos not the Government? the scientist studying the water. your telling me they lied too? smells too convenient if you ask me

raises an Eye brow okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkayyyyyyyyyyyyy?

Are you fuckin blind bro? ALL THE FROGS ARE GAY! What more proof do you need??

welp think i found out who your Target is…