Stop being toxic

My friend, there’s so much going on behind the scenes. When has the government told the truth about anything? There’s always a hidden agenda that every event fits into.

Like I said before, look into Project Blue Beam and then you will understand why they would lie about it. The scientists get paid by the government and other elite owned corporations. Look at all the bullshit studies released about people and the coronavirus.

There’s a lot of things that are happening conveniently. Look at the timing of all the major events that took place and you will see a pattern.

ever been in a plane? have you notice that after a point you cant see any further, thats cause the world is Round.

;) as in not falt…

The world is not round, nor is it flat.

lets say you still think the world is flat ok? i well pay you 800$ us right now if you can find the edge of the world and walk off it go ahead knock your self out.


yea i dont know but it is funny talking with these guys

If you actually want to convince people everything is fucked up you start with MK Ultra, the Tuskagee Experiment, Operation Northwoods, or more recent stuff like Bengazi that there isn’t already an established damage control narrative against.

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Actually, I usually start off with 9/11 and the elite pedophile rings. 9/11 is such an obvious false flag attack.

Don’t forget about the real life Black Mesa facility under Switzerland.

i mean sure the military lies or doesnt give you full info but thats because, can you picture what would happen if they Told the whole world what their weapons are and what they can do and what their weakness is? fuck it would be world war 3.

find me one thing that Government and i mean the Government not some president that just wanted too play god the WHOLE Government system it self. find me one time that they lied with the intend to Gain something out of it go ahead.

weapons and military shit doesnt count as i said its with the peoples well being in mind.

Roswell!! They’ve been holdin out on those alien tiddies since 1945!

you mean the 1999 october 6th SCI FI MOVIE as in FAKE

Agenda 21 is something that will be carried out by all the governments of all the countries in the world.

Iraq has WMDs ofc

yea every Country at this point does wanna know why they never used it look up the Term M.A.D. in google

False flag orchestrated by @James-Cameron

Mutual assured destruction is a False Flag? Im fucking done XD

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I’m saying it was used as a clearly bs excuse to go to war and feed the military industrial complex. Same way they tried to get us into Syria to fight a proxy war over an oil pipeline. We didn’t actually go into Vietnam to put an end to communism either lol.

The military industrial complex is a myth.