Just typing this here so you can figure out which of these you want to be true
Found out tonight that when you drop the Shield it stays active in the place it was last left up for barely a second
With Fast Hands perk the predator is fast enough to aim and fire a weapon while the “Shield’s red aura” Is still up
The predators shield stops their own projectiles however
Should this be treated as a bug or intended? When the shield is up like this bullets that impact the shield DO NOT cost the pred energy AND continue to block bullets creating a brief window for the pred to run or stand there menacingly
If the shield staying up is intended should the predators projectiles be allowed to pass through it?
This would give them a brief moment of uncontested fire against the Fireteam forcing them to flank or relocate
I’m not really sure tbh as to even do this your sacrificing a weapon slot and a perk slot AND you’d need to be quick enough on the draw to aim and fire a weapon accurately
I suppose if it was up to me i would say Yes Pred should be allowed to do this to give the shield an interesting purpose