SuperPredators visual aspect

Should just make the 2018 movie non-canon. It made a mess of Predator lore.

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Good detailed descriprion on all the flaws. But don’t get your hopes up for any changes to them, like at all really. They messed up my beloved City Hunter as well. He looks so off it’s hilarious. Especially the mask. Not movie accurate at all whatsoever. Such a shame. But as most know by now, when illfonic does something for this game, shit happens. Like. Every. Damn. Time.

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Nope - its a brand new, high quality 3d mesh, designed specifically for the race… its the material files applied that are making it look cheap and basic. Have a look:

Top is Mr Black and bottom is Scout. As you can see those are two completely different models, not copy paste. Also, level of detail on Mr Black head is astonishing for an arcade video game. Shame the guy who dose 3d materials is not on the same level as the artist who created this head…


I would like to see the maskless Mr.Black or Falconer hacked in the mainmenu (someone did this with a berzerker a while back). I would really like to see it in a better lighting.

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AMEN to that!

How do you mean? Like without their masks in menu?

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yes… I know there is a hack but i’m not sure maybe someone glitched it in.
There is one screenshot out there either here or on reddit. Its only one with the preds face up close , wrist blade right by his face and with the firey background

I’m not sure about the hack, but if you want to do this in order to see how speculars and mat files looks in better lightning than just equip CH reabreather - you will have most of the head exposed, and trust me… no difrence there - it still looks shit XDDDD

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IIm also noticing the dreds should be down to his elbows. Thats just being nitpicking.

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It’s the rig thats off putting. That and those mandibles were never going to look good.

Do scout, hunter, zerk all have the same head at the same size btw?

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I know, its completly wrong - 0 chances that they will ever improve this

Same size and model for all 3 default classes

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