Systematic racism strikes again

You watched Avatar havent you?


Case and point, childish ideologies that would be shitting in the woods cannibalized by their fellow man without the systems that they want to overturn.
Think of a rat in a maze numb to eating cheese all day.
Purposeless is just a reflection of low self worth and your rebellious teenage phase you never grew out of because social systems are at a point where people don’t have to grow up.

tl;dr the problem isn’t laws the problem is you.
The tribe already knows what historically benefits the tribe, this isn’t an abstract mystery.

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I doubt that somewhat. If I had been a part of the experimental group in the experiment I was just talking about, I don’t doubt that when released into society I would’ve quickly picked up how people’s minds worked, and gone about exploiting that as I usually do. The love of violence is definitely a personality trait, I would have that no matter how I was raised. Tbh I think society needs to be entirely torn down, or at the very least majorly reworked.

XD You might wanna tell that to the politicians.

You would have naturally tried to fit in because you are a social animal capable of higher thought whether you like it or not

Mmmm, no, not if I had the same baseline personality. I wouldn’t have tried to ‘fit in’ beyond gaining access to the more exploitable parts of the system, for example gaining a job as a bank teller to steal the money. I would’ve slowly, and through trial and error, identified the way people think (providing the ‘trial and error’ phase didn’t lead to any irreversable fuck-ups) and then used that knowledge as I pleased to enable me to do whatever I want. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; psychopathy is a superpower.

You’d still have to know a lot about how society works to not stand out like a sore thumb. My guess is that you’d be picked up by police on the first day because you messed up at your game or somebody reported you for being very odd. Even psycho/sociopaths spend years in society learning how it works. You wouldn’t pick it up on a few days.

I meant that in a sense that it’s always improving itself based on the social and economical environment. On the other hand, communism is idealism destined to fail because it doesn’t take account if the environment it is in. Its forced upon the public and theyre either part of the problem or they accept it.

Any high functioning psychopaths fit in and pick up on social cues. The rest are in jail

I’m still free 😎

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Well duh lol
One of the things you would pick up in a few days, though, is how the police work. That would begin to notify me of what not to do without thorough planning, and I’m sure I’d also learn soon enough that the police can be fobbed off very easily (y’know, when I’m reported for being ‘very odd’ XD - as far as I’m aware that’s not a crime in itself). The thing is, you would immediately begin applying the knowledge you gain and use it to aquire more, and very soon it ends up quite like a boulder rolling down a hill.

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They don’t ‘fit in’, they pretend to fit in. Fitting in involves completely relinquishing free wills and accepting other people controlling you. We sure as hell don’t do that.

I’m definitely no expert on communism,but I have done some serious research on democracy - its beginnings, its values and more. It, too, is doomed to fail, because even if the politicians did what they were meant to without exploiting everything whenever they get a chance, democracy is basically giving a bunch of uneducated, imbred fuckwits the power to determine who controls the country. Take the instance of Trump, for example. One should take a single look at that entire scenario, and notice how absolutely fucked that was. Also would like to point out the stupidity of the fact that both the left and right political parties’ values are complete garbage, and that we’re forced to choose between two different piles of shit is ridiculous.

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I think by your odd behaviour they may take you to an emergency department for evaluation and you wouldn’t get out of there that easily once the docs notice that you’re not ‘normal’. The end

It’s called checks and balances. Trump can’t do whatever he wants just because he’s the president. There’s congress and judiciary to contend with. After a max of 8 years he’s gone and another candidate gets a chance. It’s a learning process for the system

Ah, if only people were that aware of what a dangerous personality looks like. Too bad most people don’t even know what psychopathy really is, much less the signs of it. The most that would happen, in all likelihood, is someone calling an anonymous tip if I said something really peculiar. I most certainly wouldn’t be shipped off for a psych eval on a hunch.

The system doesn’t learn, though. It keeps doing the same stupid shit over and over. Besides, even if it did learn, your voting options are still crap. You guys had to choose between grandpa on molly and grandpa on coke for president, and call me crazy but that just doesn’t strike me as good news for the effectiveness of the political system. Hell, the number of times a decent president/pm has been elected is only marginally more than the number of times a decent dictator has come into power in the 3rd-world countries.
Also like to point out that congress and judiciary, as well as the house of commons over here, is just as if not more corrupt and self-serving than the president/pm. The entire thing needs a rework, and it’s sure as hell not gonna happen of its own accord.

Those are details. The system holds up and endures changes. Even with the current cancel culture and gender crap, it still works and it will be better having gone though this. People grow through changes.

It all depends on how you will react to asked questions. They may decide that you are intoxicated in some way and pose danger to self and others. Yes, it may not be as easy as i describe, but one wrong move could ruin everything until you have a chance to adapt.

Pfft , who hasn’t been there 🙄


Yeh but it doesn’t tho. If anything, it’s worse off now than when it was at its inception. Shit doesn’t work.