Systematic racism strikes again

That’s why one would primarily observe until going about their buisiness - upon realising that people consider my behaviour odd (which shouldn’t take long, nor pose any serious jeopardy to myself in the long run) I would simply shift my behavioural patterns to mimic those around me.

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Perhaps. The think is that we see democracies all over the world now and only a few countries with pseudo communism, so relatively it must be better

When you are reaching for your stogie and take your eyes off the road , I’m so embarrassed 😳

I guess it is possible to succeed to some extent. Even if you get to psych or jail, I’m sure you’ll get eman explanation of why you’re there and what expected of you to get out and you’ll be agreeable enough to do so. Still, I’m not really sure what your desposotion is initially. It takes keeds years to understand how society works while they live in it and have experiences. If you are coming in with very limited experiences, you’ll need to observe for a long time and on some instances you’ll be forced to act prematurely so it will be tough.

Yeah so do autists. Either way you’re bending to social pressures to not be seen as a fucking weirdo because you’re a social creature.

When wolves see another wolf being a fucking weirdo they just jump it, not being ret@rded isn’t a totally learned behavior

Just like you, pedos can’t resist announcing how broken they are on social platforms for attention, despite not claiming to care about social standing pedos try to signal people like them. Can’t not go back to the scene of the crime.

Excuse me ,they are now to be identified as Minor Attracted Persons . The more that come out of the woodwork , the better for when the lynching starts 👍🏻.

In Scotland the police were almost lynched for saying they aren’t to be called pedos 😄 but let’s be real and look around , “acceptance” is signalled everywhere for those cuunts. Shillflix , government with the schooling etc

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As soon as you validate them in any capacity they can’t wait to expose themselves. They don’t get to socialize about their deranged shit otherwise.

Everyone ultimately wants to be accepted no matter how stupid because its how we’re programmed.


Not out in the open at least , the pedo rings is like their valhalla

If you’re saying humans are social creatures, sure, but I’m far from what you would call social. Literally the name of the neurological condition we have is ‘Anti-Social Personality Disorder’ lmfao
I could care less what a bunch of randoms thinks, at the end of the day you’re wrong and we both know it. I blab about myself openly on here because I know it can’t be traced, at least not by anyone I wouldn’t wanna meet and congradulate, and possibly offer an alliance to.

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Youre quite social here for having ASPD

As I say, my friend, shits ‘n’ giggles.

Fair enough

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And they need to change the name because the high functioning ones are ironically some of the most charming people around. Misconception.

you can’t be manipulative by being socially ret@rded. It just refers to a pattern of socially irresponsible behavior not that you literally don’t leave your house & fail at participating in society.

you’re social or you wouldn’t be on an online discussion forum of all things, you’d be out exploiting people in some productive high position.

This just sounds like edgelord autism.

Bruh if a psychopath’s charming you, you’re getting raped or robbed. That’s the antisocial part, you dumbass lol

That was never what this was about, you fucking salmon.

Bruh lol
You have no way of gauging what I do or don’t do in the time I spend off of this forum. As I’ve said, I come to this place for shits ‘n’ giggles. Same reason I kill people - fun. That’s all I ever do; enjoy myself. Meanwhile, look at your ass earnestly thinking what you say carries one iota of truth, or has any capacity to offend me or change my behaviour. I know I’m right, and if you don’t, then you’re as dumb as every other fucken semi-sentient chimpanzee on the planet, end of story.

And, apologies, since when were you qualified for diagnosis? Moreover, are we in a position for accurate judgement of neurological function? Fuck me, I’m a licensed therapist and even I’m not so stupid to try to earnestly guage or manipulate people over the internet lmao

ok Dexter calm down

so its edgelord autism


Literally politicians.

no more crime thrillers for you mr. zodiac killer

just lol
lmao even

Way to riled up for a psychopath. I know the spectrum is broad, but still.

From what I noticed, even for sheets and goggles, you care way too much about what people say around here. You just pretending to be an evil genius is what it seems.

@TheSenate, what do you think?

I think he definitely has some form of ASPD. Given that he’s not in jail he’s likely at the very least mid functioning.
He also does engage in some consistent lying, which is pretty standard for a individual with ASPD.
Ego pleasing is a pretty general behavior, so him getting into these debates is more so for him to display some intellectual prowess.
Individuals with mid to high functioning ASPD will enjoy online conversations as it leads to more information gained and also refining text based interactions. Hence why he specifically states that he enjoys the intellectual debates on here.

While I don’t think he exactly matches the textbook definition of a psychopath, he does check most of the boxes, so I’d be pretty confident saying he at the very least has some form of ASPD.

I’d be more able to accurately gauge the degree of the ASPD by speaking to him in person, as I would be able to see through his mask quite easily.


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