Take on the new predator specializations and perks (patch 2.19)

Reverse? so like closer u are the less damage you get? XD

Oh no
No way. It’s built just like FT. No specializations locked behind paywall, no playstyle impossible for free. I think they did just fine


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Wait what do you mean XD

certain preds are paid dlcs and have specializations XD

Yes, but only to 10%. That’s the best way to make melee viable I think

I think it should lose its value the closer u are… but the further you are the more value u get…

It is brilliant and i spent entire night running simulations in my head what is the best approach for predator specializations

cause personally… looking at the things… fireteam is blessed with 16 perks overall while predator has 4

Fuck sakes man, get some sleep - I will take over ;-)

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oh dw i slept xD… but trying to fix my sleep schedule and my brain works better at night…

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But yes…

Fireteam = 16 perks (including specializations in it already)
Predator = 4 perks (as well as up)

And if you make it “free for all preds” to use… then it would make sense… cause if people think having unique specializations is proper way to go then they are just being like narrow minded people who think labeling is alright in life…

so lets say you were born a wolf… you must be this wild animal… and not a pet…

no totally wrong looking at things in life…

just cause people decide to play hunter and wanna run disciplined that does not mean its wrong…

what if a predator who is born is like born a scout and wants to be as strong and buff as berserk predator and go full melee…

it just makes no sense

The number of FT using Specializations should be = to the amount of PRed Specialization. I think thats balances things out.

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So that means… 8 perks which include specialization?

idk… its weird like limiting perks to one and one being specialization… idk… its such a fucked way they did this lol…

i says PRED specialization= Total FT specializations
Thats like 4 of them…little too much?

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ok lemme think

1 spec + 3 perks… that makes 4 for predator

then each guy in fireteam also takes one spec + 3 perks…

yeah but pred already have perks. Perks are small stuff honestly.

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I can’t possibly think of a way that would involve having like one perk to have multiple perks in it self…


Having unique classes suits any game that has CLASSES.

If you for whatever reason believe recon should get to use an RPG then atleast give people a reason not to use the RPG on recon. Classes are supposed to fit a theme, not be a fuck you build-a-bear where people just stack whatever has the best stats. A mish-mash of meta that doesnt specialize in anything isnt a class.

I was always of the opinion weapons should be class locked so specializations are a step on the right direction for me.


I’d say 2 Specialisations, then you can really have great customisation, like 1st would be class bound and the 2nd you could choose out of a few, for example let’s use Vakyrie, you put on Fervent then you get to add Stalker, or Samurai with Ghost and Savage.

But they would add up to a total, for example each Pred has 10 points, depending on the specialisation depends on the point cost.

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Where did i say i support this cause fully… i said incase stuff that Eshtion mentioned comes true , then it would make sense it would be good to be able to have unique weapons for a each class…

I have no actual beef on weapons…

I personally dont really think that classes in games should have locked unique abilities… u should be able to build whatever character…

the class lock unique thing is just wrong and sexist… but only for perks… i dont have a beef with weapons… unless its predator then yes i have beef with locking preds using specific items for specific class

Classes allow for more gameplay variety because we can finally refine playstyles rather than all classes in the game using the same 2-3 specializations which is what would happen.

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