The elephant in the room. How exploits have ruined this game

You bought it, you still play it, you think you gud, you absolutely suck at it.

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Iā€™m 100 fucking % sure that if illfonic did like this feedback survey each month on what the people want to see in their game, people would vote for fireteam to be able to do like HANDMADE jungle traps that would slow down the predatorā€¦ than just plainly adding fking RPGā€™s and DECLOAK what ever fucking that shit is lmao that literally makes u visible when cloakedā€¦

it just ruins that hunter vibe u know when ur cloaked u wanna be cloaked and unseen


me when i first saw they added RPG and decloak tech for fireteam

Well did you buy it or did you use it when it was free?

The low life is you.
Come on then buttercup,
Letā€™s hear yountry to give a good argument as to why were wrong?

A coherent one without you sounding insane.
Fucking illfonic fanboy bitch.

Dont fucking get mad cause ppl got valid criticism and are pointing problems on this game.

How the fuck you gonna be like I dont wanna play vs a good premade, but then when others complain about the severely broken balance, you wanna start shit?

Like nah fuck that.
Your hypocrisy is the the worst part about you and why so many dislike the fuck out of you.

buy what ?


i never buyed shit lmfaoā€¦ i only bought the pre-order just cause i loved the first movie and not cause i wanted to support the devs XD

i will also probably be forced to buy either wolf or scar predator

Ppl legitimately wanted the rpg and landmines tho.

YOu still bought it!

i smell fish

Iā€™m serious.
Ppl actually wanted it.
Fkn stupid I know


Im a guy, do i want to hear a HE/SHE bitch-talk? no.

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God coffee.
Whenever someone uses Reeeee they end up looking like a reeeeetard.

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Youre a fucking insane ignorant fuck.
That is exactly what you are.
Oh and a hypocrite.

Lol seriously.

We all saw you edited itā€¦ MOTHER BISH