The predator is absolutely overpowered in the current state of the game.

So I decided to make a small video showing how absolutely overpowered the Combi berserker is currently. In the video I literally go full out rambo against fire squads and rip them apart without even going into second wind. Feel free to watch the video and let me know what you guys think, do you think the berserker needs a nerf? or is he currently balanced?

Click here to see the video


Only watched the first fight.

Any pred is OP when the FT doesn’t shoot, defend itself, or pay attention.


The game is balanced. The weapons just need a little fixing here and there but its perfectly fine. Just learn to adapt. That’s what I learned from people. Stay with your team and you will be fine


Seems like a Predator to me, being strong you know. Plus once they saw you they literally almost killed you until you ran off. The FT didn’t seem that good overall as well. If the Berzerker is so OP he would’ve ate all those bullets and killed the whole team in your first encounter. The Berserker is big and scary, hence the name…Berzerker. I main the scout as well so don’t say I’m a skill-less Berzerker who’s mad. In case you wanna see though here’s my YouTube channel —>

IMO the Scout is OP. He is fast as hell and can stay cloaked for a very long time. I can play around with the FT when I play as the scout and it seems too easy. The Berserker however, requires a noob FT in order to run in and kill them all in one foul sweep. So when I hear this argument I only think it’s because the person playing as the FT has not put enough time into the game to understand the core mechanics and expects to be able to go one on one with him which ain’t going to happen like the other Predator classes. The Berserker is meant to be unmatched in physical ferocity and strength. That’s literally the definition of a Berzerker.

What do you mean I always kill preds

I honestly choose hunter is stamina and health is fine with me. btw Im lvl 100 so Im not a noob

I’m lvl 100 as well and if you think the Berserker is OP then you’re not playing the game right tbh.

Oh I know

You can literally go check my YouTube channel out if you want man. However, I’m just giving my opinion everyone is entitled to their own. We don’t have to agree, that’s fine. At the end of the day it’s just a game and the only thing that matters is if you find it enjoyable.

Berserker is too easy to counter, please learn to play before making a post.

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I agree with you that’s why I chose hunter

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what planet you on bro? its one class pred believe me mark my words is the most underpowered thing. we just finished playing a ton of games and we never lost a match! learn how to play and get a competent team before saying stupid stuff like this. and i use a controller and i play pc. thats how easy it is. pred needs some serious buffs also. the team you vsed isnt even competent or a good skill level. no wonder you beat them … good grief lol

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Oh sorry!! lol I misunderstood one of your messages. I’m sorry about that man.

Its alright happens to me also

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I literally win every game I play as FT. OK.

Fireteams with their heads down, huddled together or wandering around completely ignoring your cement shoes stamping all over the place, not parrying or even really firing at you.

Clearly the Berserker is the problem there.


Most of the people playing don’t know how to deal with the berzerker , i play with randoms most of the time and they don’t seem to know how to parry with the knife. so zerker gets parried by me goes off kills the rest of the fire team while i’m shooting at him comes back uses a net gun on me then kills me.
I won’t even play berzerker when i’m predator, cuz i’ve had alot of people quit during the match when i play him, so i just play either hunter or scout

Yes good players know how to deal with him, but most of the people playing this game are are probably in the average or lower skill level category.

Great video dude, and yeah I personally think the berserker is a bit overpowered currently :)