The strongest predator perks & loadout discussion

I made a small video showcasing my most succesful predator loadout, I haven’t long a single match in nearly days, and after finally reaching level 100, I’ve found the best tactics that go along with loadout in order to have alot more fun, keep the match going on for longer, keep the fire team scared and entertained, and most importantly improve the overall game experience for both sides without rushing the game too fast like most combi stick berserker playstyles. Feel free to check out the video and let me know what you think!

Click here to see the video


Dang dude that’s a price nice looking predator + loadout you got there, I genuinely enjoyed your playstyle throughout the video because I loved seeing those scared fireteam members not knowing where you’re hitting them from as you kept switching angles over and over again :D


Thanks alot dude, glad you enjoyed the video man. My next video will have some epic ranged scout gameplay so stay tuned :D

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Eeew zerk. Lol I use hunter or scout. But that perk loadout I think is pretty standard. At least I feel it is.

I watched most of it, the way you played wasnt bad but a more aware team would murdered you.

The only specific I can critique is dont do a pattern with your attacks. You tended to do a slash slash jump, try switching it up. The jump in the way you did it was a bit predictable.

Other than that not bad lol.


Thanks alot for your feedback man, I’m gonna be doing this same playstyle with the scout class in my next video and see if it’s actually consistent :)

I’d focus more on range lol. Scouts so damn squishy.
I subscribed to you so il check it out once you post it.

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I main scout and occasionally play as Hunter, and I really like a trapper/range focused build.

Bow and Netgun
Motion trackers and Bear traps
Trapper, Cooling Syncs and Long Jump.

I really like it, here’s I think my best game with it so far, keep in mind I threw the game on purpose twice (once before the reinforcements and once at the very end [kind of, I was still trying somewhat]) to keep things fun for everyone.

Edit: Everything else though is me trying my best.


Nice video man, it’s great to see that you let that last guy escape to keep the game fun for everyone :)

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ew, ranged “meta”

Don’t worry dude, soon predators will stop the melee “meta” and the ranged “meta” and actually start helping the fire-team with their objectives, hopefully then FT players might start to accept predator players.

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Yea, I main Pred and I keep the balance pretty even sticking to the Lore hunting code, makes it fun

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Nice video dude.

From observation I can see that you are using shoulder cannon 90% of the time, so why not use energy perks with Dithered lens?

I use Scout with a bow and a net gun. Perks - Light Bender, Large Pouch and Impenetrable.

You can do range or melee with this build and be on the target constantly with extra healing.
Its not very energy efficient, but most of the time I just need few seconds out of stealth to top energy right back up.

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My next video (with the scout) will be an energy focused build 😉

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Hot take. Strongest load out in the game is Hunter with impenetrable, Down Range, and Trapper. Using the combistick and Smart disc. If anyone is using Recon or Scout, they will be one shot combo downed by your extended duration beartraps and smart disc. I’ve tried it out over and over and over and it’s just insane. There is no counter play, nothing they can think around. Absolutely nothing. Melee has counter play, net has counter play, bow allows for too much trading of health with FT who has way too much sustain for that to be worth it. With this tactic they will be held in place long enough for guaranteed smart disc hits. Which is just giant damage. Then Combistick throw the guy going to pick up his teammate and spam plasma caster at them after that. Rinse repeat. And hunter with impenetrable is surprisingly good at taking hits and offers the stamina to maneuver and get out of dodge.

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I usually use impenetrable, down range and long jump. I always use Hunter with Bow, Combistick and bear trap. Long jump usefull for Jump in and do quick execution to a ft downed from range then jump out. The other perks are still a must if you wanna play Hunter I think.

Lol you doing it here again too 🤣🤣🤣

PSA: OP is replying to himself on multiple accounts because he’s weird. I think it’s funny.

I’m glad my lore hunting style is also both fun and hard to beat :) Lore Clan ftw

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my Go-to zerker build runs
audio decoy

currently bow is simply the better ranged choice and with stick i can deal with any melee situation and it’s throw one hit downs most FT

for the first 2-3 minutes i run around the map to find the reinforce and bear trap it with at least 2 traps so after i kill 1 or 2 FT i can prevent further reinforce as it’s the strongest thing the FT have atm
after than i usually poke with the bow once i locate them until i believe it’s time to engange with more chaotic approach
ie running around leaping around slamming only if their in buildings or if i downed someone
and while i’m doing this i’m constantly swinging one time with combi and immediately throwing it sometimes i also just run around alot and fire the bow if i think engaging in the chaotic melee is too dangerous

obv with my hunter build below the tactics are simaler but less melee if i am meleeing it’s net into claws on low hp targets or one hit claws if i think via a bow shot they are low on hp

I do also run a Hunter with Bow+ netgun medkit and Bear trap but not as often as my zerker as my success rate is much lower due to finding it difficult to confirm downs with me bein less incentiviced with trying to claim
i believe his perks are down range impen and big leap i have done the +nrg reserve and cloak reduction a few times also i just don’t think they are that neccasary if you just have big leap instead
oh and for you data nerds you might want these
obv i consider success a win so fireteam eliminated which i don’t get as often on my ranged yaujta tho i get kills often but i don’t win nearly as often

Predator perk#'s Not finished yet
All DMG stats

though to each their own if you perfer a more ranged approach i just find range a riskier gambit with it being more difficult to guarantee kills as fireteam can simply outgun you if they are aware of your presence whereas the burst dmg from melee i find far more reliable

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I’m a hunter (best class in my opinion) with
Long range damage
And the laser visibility thingy

My weapons are bow and combistick + beartrap

My favorite tactics is either A bow spamming when their team arrive and start to interact with object or B training hell with the plasma caster

The melee is only used for the punishment when a Ft split too much or try to take the high ground for shoot me down.

At that point I nearly never lose it’s nearly always a win or one FT escape out of the 4 (I’m a pc player who crosssplay ;))

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My go-to class is the berserker with a focus on traps.
Elder Sword & Netgun
Healkit, Traps, Motion sensor
Trapper, Leap, Bags

If they are aggressive, I prefer to set up shop and bait them into my traps. Usually, the net gun helps for additional crowd control. I use the sword combo to quickly finish them off if they are trapped or entangled in my net. Once I manage to down someone, I leap away and straight back on top of the downed person if I notice that they keep chasing me. So I can catch the one guy who was staying behind to aid his downed friend. I usually open the engagement with the netgun and swap over to the blade on a target that is preferably out of sight.