Thermal vision, looks so meh

Now I know this is the least of everyone’s concerns given the current issues with the game but, it’s been bugging me. So I’m curious who else would like to see a more movie faithful thermal vision?

Sure we could argue that there would be “balance” issues but with target isolation its not like you effects your ability to find anyone. It’s currently too easy as it is to see mudded up fire team members.
And come on even Ubisoft got it right in Ghost Recon, why can’t this game?

(Left to right: Predator/ Predator 2, Current game, Ghost recon Wildlands)


Yep that will be good o love that vision in willdlands👌

Why don’t you go and make your own game? It looks fine to me.


It looks fine but it can look better

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ya bugs me too. the solid red and yellow pred is just barf. could have been way better along with a useful sound bar. its practically useless anyway as everyone is running cold or mudded. you get fucked over by terrain you cant see constantly. its basically for hunting boars. pandora tomorrow had better thermal vision and that was 2004


Its could definitely use some love.

Looks good and works, but the body thermals could be more what accurate? Is that the word? They’re just kinda red/yellow all over half/half but no “body” heat disbursement that highlighted body features.

Not so much the Predators but the humans.

yes. sometimes explosions looks good with the full range of green to red to white. sometimes fire is just flat orange… bodies are flat yellow and the predator’s details are really strange with the colours mapped to the texture of his clothing. higher contrast with the background, more greens, reds and whites is all it really needed to be like halfway decent. adding some heavy motion blur ontop of that would have been awesome too. i dont mind it as it as can still get into it but it could look much truer / be more functional for tracking than it is. we need a zoom like that too.


If you slowly turn, the sound bar works way better

works in what way

If you slowly pan your screen, and I mean slowly, if you watch the sound bar it will spike hard when you home in on the FTs heading.

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ok ive got to try this right now i always thought it was strictly cosmetic

You’re welcome

Yeah, not sure green blood would give off the exact same heat signature lol.

no it doesnt do anything

i tested it there is no reliable indicator that it does anything.

pretty sure they have to actually be making sound when you happen to pan over them for it to show anything.


The comparisons you put up look much worse than this game’s thermal vision to me…
It would be so much harder to see in thermal if the game looked like that.

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If we go really into thermal imaging… (love this topic)

The movie was actually shot using a real really low resolution thermal imager that they had to mix in with real camera footage otherwise the audiences wouldn’t even know what they’d be looking at from the POV footage.

These days thermal imagers are higher in resolution where we can actually recognize shapes and are able to identify human vs animal. a quick search does tell me that there are finally some HD level resolutions available, but we’re talking about really high prices here and larger, non hand-held sizes.

I myself own a Pulsar Quantum XD19s that has a resolution of 384x288 pixels and that is already considered a high resolution thermal imaging device.

Some points where P-HG has it wrong:

  1. Predator’s armor should be transferring body heat from the predator so should also light up, though less than the actual body heat as it’s transferred and also cooled by the outside temperatures.
  2. Wrist computer, electronics build up heat, should also be seen. Display lets through a different amount compared to the body.
  3. Sun provides hot spots on ground and flora (anything it touches really) which should also be seen clearly in thermal imaging. The longer the exposure the warmer (and brighter) the spots.

Though, even UBI didn’t get it completely right. Sure it has a lot of the above, but thermal does not “see”, it “senses”.
So seeing things through glass cannot be done as it’s a solid surface that blocks LWIR, but emits its own as well as reflecting them back like a mirror.

Oh, and this also has to be said, farts and breath and other gaseous matter are not visible to Thermal imagers either.

In conclusion, Predator-HG has a very user friendly version of thermal implemented. Trust me, it’s a LOT harder to interpret thermal images in real life.


i will have to test it again then. Im gonna have to call BS on this though for now… there is nothing mentioned in the gameplay notes or the tutorial. I’ve played matches and tested it and while looking directly at them in a firefight the bar gets small and big and is seemingly random.

thanks for the writeup. I can agree some of the predator footage is disorienting. It worked well for the movie and establishing the really alien component of the predator along with the pitched sounds. I think a more accurate overlay would have done the trick with a tad more contrast in the jungle. more so than flat red, yellow, green. There are even mods for the AVP 2010 game which look fantastic.

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