This game has me defeated.

I dont even have the energy to explain. I just needed to say it lol.


An all time high for sure. It’s literally exploding with bugs right now. Too many unfixed bad problems on top of which the new ones are stacking…not a good moment

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Its just everything…

And here we are at each others throats while we make it rain on illfonic for some more member berries. Its disgusting. And i hate that im just as guilty of it lol

But I havent been able to load up the game for more than an hour if even that for months now.

Only good players don’t express bugs…don’t be one of them! The shame!

I cant even look at this fucking game im so disgusted. I had to remove it from my desktop.

Go play mine craft if you want to win as Pred!

Its a chore to play honestly. And thats excluding when its bugging the fuck out more than a cockroach infestation

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I am not one that complains often, hardly ever actually. I prefer not to spread negativity as there is enough of that. But we have to be honest about where things are right now

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Honestly sometimes I write shit i dont even understand! LOL!

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You mean where things are with you and your dog Predator loadouts?
Seems to me FT is calling you back!

Ive been all over the place. Literally have a post with a timeline of all my important topics really and you can see it all spiral down into hell after elder dropped. But then it picks up a bit last week, only for me to be right back here again.

The really worst part is seeing that the community at least here on the forums is as bad as the devs. We are so fractured that we wouldnt be able to lead a pig in minecraft if we had a carrot on a stick, let alone a company whos future likely depends on the success of this game.

But the way theyve handled it is just as shitty, regardless. Its just depressing.

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Dude I have no idea what you mean, sorry

I can only hope people stop thinking with their dicks now that they have city hunter and can get some post nut clarity.

Maybe we will able to see more clearly. But i dunno.

I just really dont want to watch a game ive put so much support and energy and time into die… But if we dont get back on course soon, we are all gonna hit the ground hard when we rolll off that cliff.

And the worst part is watching the game get flushed down the toilet and knowing i literally created a solution. Maybe not a perfect one, but one that may very well have made the games survival possible.

I just hope this gamemode/map they have in the works can do it. Can prove me wrong. For fucking once please.

I think all this community can do is be efficient and clear with feedback and bug reporting, while at the same time, at least in principle, respecting what others think. And be responsible with their money. That is literally all we can do right now

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