This game is balanced

That I agree, we did the see saw back and forth already. Minor adjustments now


Yeah. Totally invisible pred was a good example. If they’d done that but dialled it back from a 10 down to like a 3 then it could’ve worked.


It’s the closest it has been in a while.

Still needs some serious changes.

Slight buff to pred, nerf ft weaponry accordingly.

More toys for pred to play with.

Also optimization of mechanics across the board on both sides.

We will be happy hunters.


With the lonewolf shots there seemed to be a fireteam tutorial beneath it

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I remember seeing them but wasn’t sure.

That “new map” leak also looked kinda “tutorialish” with the way it was set up. Either that or dev test map

It’s a close tie between FT tutorial and matchmaking rework as to what would be the ultimate improvement to this game as a whole


Does it matter what way they tweak the cloak? Look at all the tech fireteam have to counter it? And by the looks of it fireteam have drones incoming!? If the leaks are anything to go by .

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It was very far cryesque I thought . When you could make your own community maps


I will be honest with you - since I’ve started doing FT/Pred 50-50, I came to the very same conclusion. This game is very well balanced

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yeah right

we’ll move past that its just going in circles.

Nah im talking about balancing for the 90%, if you nerf based on 4 man death squads you tip the balance in a large way

Remove parry. Slightly reduce plasma splash damage, and boom. Balance.

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No not true. All you need to do is adjust who they face.

Plus like I said if the best players are balanced then it’s your fault for being bad since you can git gud in order to win where if it’s the other way around, even if you do git gud the balance of the game will just slap you in the face.

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You dont need to reduce anything on pred side.
Also parry can stay, ft just needs lower damage.

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This game is not balanced.
Plain and simple.
If you cant see that you arent paying enough attention.

Its ft in general, not just pc.
You’re really not that special.

You could nerf ft damage and parry would still result in instant death. Remove party. Also, the splash damage literally doing 90-100 damage to the entire team is a bit obnoxious. So reduce the damage of the broken weapons, remove parry, and slightly reduce the damage of splash to like 70ish.

It’s a fucking explosion.
Its should hit hard.

Also parry isnt the issue entirely, it’s the ridiculous ft damage.
Like when we played vs each other and I went to melee you, the parry wasn’t the issue.
It was the bullet damage.

I remember how it was back when the splash damage was near worthless for the pred.
It really doesnt need to go back to that.

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And the rocket launcher would insta kill the predator. So would the barret. And I don’t want that for balance lol. A direct hit doing 100 sure. Splash damage, no. It makes 1 person getting downed a certain death if the predator player has down range

Parry wasn’t the issue cause 2 of my teammates had no clue how to. If the whole team is good at parrying melee= death. Parrying is definitely a problem. So is the MASSIVE ft dps sure. Like I said, nerf those OP weapons.

no matter how you slice it expecting random squads/the majority to perform like a premade death squad that works well together makes no sense. The top FT members have communication game sense and mechanical skill, expecting every member in a random squad to have that is unrealistic