Toxicity in matches

I never get anything cool.

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Ok… are you referring to a specific group of players XDDDDD???

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I do not use mine in public

Pred brothers please, don’t ever go Inside of buildings if there is 2 or more ft members. This is death trap.
Just plasma spam them :З


At that point its just a good tactic and smart play! Cant consider that spam lol!!

I had today quick match as ft. Pred tried to melee my teammate inside of small building, I just accidentally blocked one door and other 2 ft blocked the other. 4 guns in close range vs 1 pred
Don’t try this at home


Is this “Macelaru Ro” or something like that still trash talking just like a teen? lol.

Always hated being in team with him, he could not shut up and was giving away our position.

Told him so many times to be quiet but that is the issue if a guy has only a small gun and must compensate for it with his mouth.

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Match today.
Me: kills FT in less than 1 minute parrying only.
FT in end-game lobby: you suck.

You can’t kill with parrying, parrying does no damage, also the predator can’t parry, only the fireteam.

Yeah my bad. I meand meleeing.
BTW i think parry does a little damage… Like 5HP.

FT dies a minute in to a melee rushing pred. Calls pred bad… gotta love fighting those people amirite?

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There is one simple solution - go out of the game as soon as you get the impression, that someone just is trying to unnerve you, e.g. by spamming the microphone with whatever.

If everybody does that, said toxic guys won’t have much matches anymore…

But I really think something alike a personal Black and also a White List would be very good for the game. Independent of the reason why one does not want to play with an other…

Blocking is weak my friend. True kings push the haters into a seething fit to assert their dominance.

What do toxic people want? They want, that you react emotionally and they want your attention. If you just leave the lobby as soon as you identify such a person, said person won’t have a lot of fun anymore. You shorten his fun significantly by that:)

Aaaaand you save yourself from getting annoyed… I do this quite often. People who cannot use there microphone decently can play with themselves. If it is just one, sometimes I mute said one instead too. Depends on my mood:)

I dont know, when they start screaming at me when I start laughing at them I don’t think that’s what they want.

By being toxic or getting mad at a video game they’ve already taken a massive L and given you the W. Flex on the haters.


Some people are really, really strange… Some even cannot be understood by people with a properly working brain. Devices can be out of order, humans can be too.

The number of people with malfunctions is steadily growing, if you ask me. As repairing is not possible yet, the best way is to stay away from those. In reality as well as in virtual reality.

There is nothing to gain from meddling with idiots from my POV… Its just lost time and time is precious :) Better use the time for another match with nice and sportive people…

Tbf, most of the toxicity I’ve experienced was coming from English-speaking fellas.

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I honestly dgaf about toxicity. Boo hoo… welcome to the real world. That’s how people behave. Just ignore them if it bothers you. Most of the time I just laugh. Sometimes I even befriend some after being toxic. I try to be positive most of the time. Some people are incapable of such thing. I try to stay away from those. Especially those who constantly blame others for losing or insist in using racial/homophobic slurs. I personally have my list of players that I will not play either against or with because of that. At the end of the day, I have more people on my friends list that are willing to play with me than those who will trash talk me. Is no surprise those who are constantly toxic also don’t have many friends to play with and only play with other toxic players.

Ironically, they majority of players who talk shit and are toxic, are usually some of the worse players in the game.

How many languages do you speak? Can you tell when someone is being toxic in Spanish? in Portuguese? In French? In Italian? In Japanese? in Chinese? in Russian?

Russian, English, Kazakh, Polish, Spanish.
And yes, most of the people who were toxic to me personally were native English speakers.
Scrap that, most of the people with mics in this game whom I personally met were native English speakers.