Useless weapons

What weapons do you consider useless on both FT and Predator?

To me, as FT

Hand Grenades
Grenade Launcher

As Predator

Audio decoy

What’s your take? What’s your favorite weapon and why?

Agreed. I also found that the QR4 or w/e the standard M4 is useless, the M14 is uesless, both semi-auto pistols, AA-12.

audio decoy is still very usefull i’d say the motion detect is less useful cause you can destroy it if you know where it is which it’s pretty easy to spot

with decoy you can cause FT to question where the clicking is coming from and after a fight you can make them think you have healed or that your still near them or their obj if your setting up an ambush elsewhere albeit there is a perk from FT that renders both worthless
for predator atm the war club is worthless and should never be used every single weapon in the game is better than it
then perhaps the disc just cause of how buggy it can be i have crashed multiple times because i threw as well as insane FPS drops for recalling it
it can also be destroyed and any FT that isn’t support can outrun it

for FT grendades can be very useful a single grenade does around 15-20% of a predators hp you can cook them for more precise throws it only takes 2 grenades to kill a 2nd wind predator

as for worthless FT weapons
every single secondary weapon that isn’t the Z06 is worthless cause for some reason this smg has a TTK of 5-6seconds at close range which is higher dps than all other 2nd weapons and it’s long range is like 11seconds which is pretty normal
albeit the revolver and the vector could be fine it’s just other guns do their job slightly better
and for primaries the QR4 and the Grow for somereason have lower TTK’s than there other AR counterparts at all ranges
snipers are fine

however for their equipment
idk i think most of FT gear is fine they all have a purpose i suppose if you had to push me on it i’d say don’t equip smoke grenades just take flashbangs instead

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Disc and hammerhead might be the to best in the right hands no doubt I always get double hits with the disc it’s an instant down and then repeat and circling rooms with it is fun and deadly of the ft and there’s no counter and the hammerhead if your not ass you’ll melt the pred

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Man I’ve tried giving the hammerhead a chance but I keep wasting bullets. Assault riles are not my thing. I use the light sniper and use it as an “assault” rifle with the 4x scope. 2 or 3 shots will down any NPC. Doesn’t deal a lot of damage to the Pred, but annoys the hell out of them because of its range , hahahaha

Only problem is… Im always running out of ammo, hahaha


I mean I think it’s the same stats as ak with extended mag in 3s it melts the pred to second wind but I also carry ammo around lmao but the hammerhead has better accuracy and fire rate compared to ak I think

I would never use an of the 4-10x scopes there ass in my opinion I always miss I just use red dot or the other one lol

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The worst ft. Weapon is the grenade launcher. After that the 1911 and the glock, the aa 12 is also really bad except in point blank range,then the qr4 and g-row. For secondary the best ones are the second shotgun and minigun, thr z 06 has low long range damage (compared to assault rifle) and you cant second wind a predator with full health whos claiming your team mates. The minigun is the best way to suprise a predator thats cominh for melee, it has many disadventages but its still very useful with right perks.


War Club
Smart Disc - it literally gives away the predators position and its loud as balls

-Audio Decoy i find to be one of the best tools as a predator, as the number 1 thing that gives the predator away to FT is sound.


Grimtech19 - Glock, whose this for? its a p shooter against the pred and armored AI
AR-W - Aka47
D34-D - the grenade launcher
S-R3D - gattling gun

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not talking about that using the smmartdisc you can’t move, parry kids will rush the user and kill or down him quicky

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and it gives a predators position away even when completely invisible, i love it when pred mains use it… it shows me where he/she is and then its mexican piñata day

and people are like 'UH BU IT DEL OVER 380 DMAAGE ITS GUD WEPON" lol no man,my bow and my hand plasma gun are far better.

I’m not sure you are aware what noises come out of the audio decoy… but when it starts to make FT members voices, when you all your team is down or the classic (bug, maybe?), a female voice even though there was no female character in your team… is a dead giveaway of “get outta there” lol

The ak mows the instantly

The disc is nearly a 1 hit down ppl just need practice lol

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right but the audio decoy can also make predator noises such as their clicking, vision and cloak turning on /off, and roaring albeit i do wish instead of FT voicelines it gave npc voicelines from the soldiers

i dont know if you are aware, but the music gives away the predators position with heartbeat sounds before he is even close enough to make an impact… audio decoy lures the FT into a false sense of direction when close enough… when the stealth game and light torque arrows with constant leaping, you wreck the FT cause they cant pinpoint your exact position due to the audio decoys.

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This is my take just based on my personal usage of the weapons. All of this is purely subjective.

• The pistols are useless with the exception of the revolver, that thing hits like a truck.

• The only shotgun that is useful is the second one you unlock.

• The grenade launcher can be good if you can catch a Pred claiming and are good at bouncing the nades off the ground first.

• The minigun is purely situational as in if you can dump some rounds into a claiming or leap stunned Pred. Can be good.

• The LMG us good for close range melty goodness but that’s it.

• The assault rifles are a mixed bag, each one has its purpose. The M4 is weak but it’s a laser at all ranges and reloads very quickly. The AUG is very good at close range for high dps but dont be sniping with it. The AK is good at close and mid ranges but had atrocious reload speed. The SCAR is slower ttk than the AK but it maintains higher damage at range. The Hammerhead like the M4 with higher damage , a very good all round weapon, plus impact grenades.

• The sniper rifles are high skill high damage weapons. The bolt action and .50 cal are similarly matched in dps, but it’s easier to make follow up shots with the .50. The M14 I feel is overlooked by a lot of sniper players, its damage output is quite high with its fire rate, making it versatile in long and short range engagements.

▪Smgs… the UMP is king with the Vector coming in second.

Thanks for reading =)

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also you should look at this before you think the AK is bad literally the best close range gun in the game right now

hmmmm not really, even in the hands of great preds it still gives away their position.

also the LMG is better then the AK there is a better alternatives to the ak

Then throw it from a place where the FT can’t reach you, like the top of a building or a tree. If you are using the disc from the ground, sorry dude, you had it coming.

shity gameplay for the disc, again its not worth using, even more tho when the disc get stuck, i prefer my plasma gun.