Vent thread

In order of annoyance

No fire/attack bug for FT - Happens exactly when you need it not to happen the most. Have died way too many times because of it. I refuse to unlearn my decades of muscle memory because the game is bugged

Children - Too many children play this game. I wish any game rated M should legally be required to authenticate/verify age through the use of a credit card. Does not promise a stop, but at least is a deterrent that would filter out a good chunk.

Game performance - Having to lower graphics to the point that it looks like an outdated 20 year old game in order to get a semi decent performance on high end hardware that plays every other game on high graphics like a charm.

Collision bugs - Getting stuck in places have cost me a good amount of matches. Happens more often as Pred but FT as well

Predator gameplay - So many things are just half-ass baked. Leaping mechanism is not accurate, you either don’t actually land where the waypoint is or you bump into a branch on your way or you bump into a rock and do a vertical leap. Crosshairs are OFF, like way OFF. What’s worse is that depending on ping and distance, the hitbox goes to shit and the offset is not consistent, so there’s no way to use an alternate crosshair overlay effectively. This happens with combi, bow, pistol and caster.

Balance issues - From class stacking (multiple supports/dante combo) to flat out damage input/output stacking perks/specializations/passives, etc. Is just stupid and is mainly a Fireteam problem. While Pred can certainly stack damage, there’s no equivalent perk of “thick skin”. Even if you stack height advantage, impenetrable and iron side on a Zerker or Viking, you will still get melted in no time.


I’m curious, what do you mean by refusing to unlearn decades of muscle memory?

Like I’m genuinely curious and I’m wondering exactly what you mean.
Probably a boring question but idk caught my interest.

In almost every other FPS I’ve played on PC the default controls on the mouse wheel are:

MWU - Weapon A
MWD - Weapon B
Middle Click - Melee

PHG Bugs out if you do a Middle Click and accidentally roll the mouse wheel at the same time or right after, which happens pretty often, even if you have a mechanical switch on your mouse to minimize this.

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The fact shitty Illfonic has the IP to this title. That’s what pisses me off the most.

the list continues……………

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I see. Thanks for the response.
The problem I’m having quite a bit lately is I go to tag (spot) the pred, which is R3 on controller while ADS, but instead my character swings the knife even tho I’m holding aim.

So I kinda get it.

Spotting button should not even exist. It should be a standard mechanic like it is with AI. You aim downsights and if the pred is in the crosshair for a second, you spot it.


Spotting should only occur with pdl/uav and sniper perk/specialization

I gotta disagree.
While in the old days I didn’t mind spot too much caused damage wasnt entirely ridiculous,
I dont think spot should exist where it Marks the pred.

It should just tag the area.

Maybe leave the current spotting for recon.
Give scout something else,
But it should be a class ability.

Of course, that would require a proper class system which ya know.
Illfonic wont implement.

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Then FT shouldn’t have a big red indicator over their heads either, specially when fully mudded.

What’s fair is fair. While I do think the spotting stacking shit of recon and tracker perk is broken, you can’t disable the same game mechanic for one and let it be for the other.

Basically the whole spotting/scan thing counters the reason for Pred Cloak and FT Mud

Real stealth would be a welcome change for both sides

Dantes. Just Dantes. Especially those that are really toxic and stuff.

Ran into a toxic guy yesterday. He didn’t like how I played. I was running a build with Katana and Yautja Bow. Was running around, jumping, taking pot shots, how you SHOULD play. Then he says “You @1#$ ing pc #2* suckers never let us have any fun. You just jumping around. It’s not realistic.” I told him he was just mad that I won. Should’ve asked him how I should’ve played in his opinion.

I just hate toxic people in general. One guy, who I can’t remember was trash talking me about my Predator playstyle. I was using a build with Alpha Sickle and Yautja Bow. He said I couldn’t aim and that I was trash. When I used the melee attack for the bow he said, “Oh! Oh! He’s using the melee! He’s using the melee! He’s getting angry!” I then used plasma spam, have to do what you have to do. Then these little five year olds start talking to me too, which I know they’re five, but the dude is literally convincing them that I’m bad. He then said, “I literally had to teach him how to play.” I then fought the same guy as FT, and he knew nothing about the game. Did good damage on him too. He just used Plasmacaster and Wristblades. He said I didn’t know how to play, yet he knows jacksh@!*.

I do remember he had a strange pfp, and he was a Steam user. It was kinda like a cat of some kind, but surreal and stuff.

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Imagine playing Dante and complaining


He wasn’t playing Dante, actually, he was running Assault.

That actually reminds me of a Dante I fought. One I was playing as the Samurai Axe Ghost funny haha meme build. He was calling me some slurs, like fa@!* or something. Told him he was a really pleasant person.

Another guy I was with on a FT game. He was an Assault or Support. Dude was cussing up a storm, and I just politely asked him why he was saying that. He called me a $@^*-ing liberal and said that it was a free country. Just an overall really nice guy. After the match I told him that I hope he gets a dictionary so he can expand his vocabulary beyond those swears.

There is no sense trying to conjure demons fool just be the shit avatar that you are!

Having arrows and plasma go completely sideways dozens of meters away from where I am aiming and shooting at when I’m on branches.

Having the Predator climb the tree instead of jumping directly on the branch despite me aiming correctly.

Vertical leaps while 2nd winded. Getting stuck.

Major annoyance as ft is when interactions cancel on their own, my sawz shots on its own sometimes


See its a matter of actual timing. Lets say you’re right and timing is of no consequence. Then wouldn’t your mind be thinking one thing and your ability to be able to doing something else isn’t quiet able. you’re not at fault here. Only that you’re wants arent inline with the program. So i guess your timing is at fault because you lack the ability to wait for the actual prompt to appear? Or that you think that the prompt appears, only that its affected by timing? Doing it too soon or too near presents an unpredictable result?

Lets just be honest, there are things in the game that aren’t precise and you do it too quick too result in unsatisfying results. But have you waited and avoided the problem areas, you would have gotten better results? Correct?
Aren’t what you are complaining about everyday a thing that means that the interface is not ideal?
and that the grey area of precision should be presented on screen? well fuck…just say the shit that I just wrote.

Just because you can’t wait, doesn’t mean seasoned players who do don’t benefit! But hey, I guess some forum members have a way of articulating the problem areas rather than going “FUCKIN FIX YOUR FUCKING FUCKIN FUCK!” Maybe you get better results than I do. Maybe we should all be like you and not give a fuck…Maybe in 10 years you’ll be saying “maybe mass was right” “maybe i should learn how to articulate”.
Then rather spend 5 years in a “shit PHG monestary , you got a full time job communicating!”

I play Dante with rocket launcher. Is that wrong of me?

How dare you

What are you a dumb dumb on youtube?

Yes and everywhere else for that matter