Vote for the next PHG Concept?

Choose from the categories to bring to life a concept for PHG.
The highest in each category will determined what concept idea will come to life.
I, will personally draw it out and flesh it out.

Like the Reaper Predator Forum.

This will be a broader topic.
Let’s see what you guy look forward towards.

Choose a main concept.

  • New Predator Character
  • New Fireteam Character
  • New Map Type
  • New Weapons Type
  • New Game Mode
  • New Perks

0 voters

And, Choose a color.

  • Navy Blue
  • Royal Red
  • Royal Green
  • White
  • Black
  • Brown
  • Yellow
  • Grey
  • Violet

0 voters

The winner of both polls will be combined to make the concept.
The poll closes at 8:00AM EST.

I’m interested in seeing what will come of the communities choices. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


I think a new game mode possibly in a winter map as a hunt for some weaker preds nerfing the preds you play as for that game mode to hunt a large group of players that each could have their own role a lot of ppl would and could disagree with this but it would add something new like let’s say There are assigned Roles on what u spawn in as

Engineer x2- sit by the snow plows maybe working on them because they ran out of power??

And it’s sortov dark out so flash lights and flares could be added

Soilders x4- they could be players equipped with actual weapons that have buffs and need to protect the rest of the crew who only have pistols

Explorers x2- explores who must run around this slightly large map collecting data on an abandoned whaling station

Main character- a player who must be protected at all times he’s not marked by the pred but if the pred gets him the explorations ends for the other players

Assigned pred classes

1 zerk

1 hunter

1 scout

Each having nerfed weapons and health to show their weaker and younger

@Courier I thought hard on this one 😂

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Just a small idea I would like to see based off
Avp 🤷‍♂️

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This could also shorten pred and human wait times becouse of 3 preds in 1 match with only around 9 ppl

And playing as each side would be fun because of roles

Considering on one pred… 4 FT are going on him… so it would be 3 v 12

Yes but the pred would be weaker and only 4 “ft” members will actually have dangerous weapons

While the others will have pistols

Hmm i see… we will have to see what they decide to do then… hopefully some dope stuff like we saw in Avp1 or predators 2010

Do u like my idea? I’m really hoping for something along these lines now lmaoo

Anything at this point tho will also do

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Generally speaking Predators 2010 is where its at lmao… the movie felt a bit rushed but other than that it had great story and actual material in it…

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I was thinking what if they add “game preserves” basically the same game mode but to make it work along the lines of lore


Like lava planet game preserve
One player is assigned as lava planet pred(it’s a figure)

And just the normal Ft but on a new map facing a new exclusive pred to tht map pred

If that makes sense


I really like the idea of roles being assigned to FT Players during a different game mode. I would like selectable roles though.


The base in Siberia from Predator Cold War


Congrats, New Map, and the color Black have won the poll!
So the Concept will include these two things.
And I will work on it today for the forums.

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Fix the bugs first? I am literally considering to stop playing this game as long as it is needed, because the bugs are ruining the exprience of the loyal players who stuck with this game from day 1.

We got almost as many new bugs as were removed. They just got less worse, and a few got massively worse.

So I don’t care for content anymore. This game has to be fixed.


would be nice if they actually did address the nonexistence of PC optimization but until the numbers for the game improve to them, idk if they ever will properly address it sadly

Only if they have skilled developers in-house. If not… well we just gotta accept the mediocrity and hope they step it up with their next title.

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I take it you’re on PC? The bugs are definitely getting less and less on the PS4, they need to do some serious work on the PC side…


yea, agreed

PC bugs and optimization really haven’t improved whatsoever… idk… it’s looking less and less likely they’re ever gonna fix the optimization. I mean for goodness sakes the game for some reason makes cooling systems for PC run at up to 95% speed… that’s horrendous. As the game is rn, no reason it should strain hardware that badly for the current graphical quality

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PC here, gotta have them ~50-120 fps to land your shots haha.

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