Who hates Star Wars

Dune is a book and should remain unadapted because there’s too many inner thoughts & worldbuilding to even begin to convey onscreen.

People who watched the movie don’t even understand why they can’t use guns much less all the factions & holy war going on that accounts for 2/3rds the story.
Any dune reader going to the theatre with normies has to explain the other half of what’s going on, they have so many questions. It’s good advertising for the most well-known sci-fi book of all time though.

Dennis Villenueve is trying his best but its an impossible task so we’re just inexplicably staring at Zendaya smiling in the desert, because the dream sequences and jihad lore only make sense in the book as the protagonist interprets it. You’d have to sit down and narrate over the movie because audiences can only pick up on the GoT space opera plot otherwise. Dune doesn’t work as just dialogue and action scenes. Reading it is like reading about unrelatable supernatural characters playing 5d chess, its great.

LOTR has a lot of worldbuilding but its just good vs evil and thats easy to convey to the watcher, whereas Dune’s really political but the movies trying to turn it into just an Epic because its an easier story to tell.
The whole final solution jihad plotline means hollywood will want to play it super safe too.

IMO they can’t really be compared because its a grimdark fantasy and Dune isn’t. Dune’s basically a grounded political survival story in a desert with subtle cult aspects, and big worms.

40K goes straight for the chainsaws, elves, orks, and existential horror rape dimensions

It’s like a whole generation of people have stopped reading books.


TV only conveys sight and sound and you get a very limited take on the plot.

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Wtf kind of rare species are you? A Star Wars fan that enjoys almost all of Star Wars and can point out the pros and cons of each Star Wars media and look at them through an objective lens without bitching and moaning? Nope I don’t accept this. How dare you sir! How dare you not constantly spew vitriol about anything new to come to Star Wars! This is outrageous behaviour!

But on a serious note, you are what a true Star Wars fan should be. Not spewing hate, not constantly bashing one trilogy and it’s fans, but enjoying Star Wars for what it is and admitting very little of it is actually perfect and that each part of it is not without its pros and cons. The fandom needs more people like you because it’s sad to see it in the state it’s in. The prequel trilogy fans trashing on the sequels and it’s fans didn’t learn from the original trilogy fans trashing on them. They became the very thing they swore to destroy. It’s just an endless cycle of hate the new love the old and it’s not going to stop until more people like become like you.

I’m a new old fart. I remember watching John Wayne get shotnto pieces in The Cowboys and initially hating the film because the Duke died horribly, but it was a good film and he and Bruce Dern did a superb job together. Same with the Shoostist (I know that was coming though. Still tough to watch. If you haven’t seen it, do it. It’s the Dukes final film one of his best.) Then, I saw Luke Skywalker get his hand lopped off. Traumatic, but a great film. Then, many many years later, Captain America was a Hydra sleeper agent. Holy crap, I threw the first issue across the room… then picked it up and read the second issue and so forth. It was a brilliant plot twist. That’s how you have to look at these things. You hate seeing your favorite actors or characters die or change, but it happens. If they die, they die and you hope the writers do a good job of it, i.e. the Duke and Han Solo, or overcome the challenges that scarred them i.e. Luke Skywalker, which he did. (And fret not! Rumor has it there will be more young Master Luke in the Ahsoka show, etc.) No part of Star Wars is as bad as Batman forever, Batman and Robin, BVS, Superman 3 and 4, Dungeons & Dragons, The Predator etc. THOSE are turds. THOSE absolutely shat on their own IPs and characters. Only Jar Jar was so annoying and that was Lucas’ fault, not the actors. Ahmed Best did his job, but he got the most hate. Blame George. He created the Gungans. Plus, you have to look at the whole film and see them individually as well as a whole arc. Sure, it would’ve been nice if Lucasfilm had done a big writers room like Marvel to make sure EVERYTHING gelled, but thems the breaks and nothing is so egregious as to make me despise it, except the holiday special. That’s what happens when you let Bruce Valanche in on anything ever. Plus the final visit from Yoda was brilliant and it’s lesson was fantastic and true, as was the casino stolen ship scene where Finn learns about the arms dealers supplying both sides of the war. Great stuff. But, Hell, what do I know? Maybe if Rey had had her arm cut off, people wouldn’t whine so much. My only real co.llaint about Rey is that she’s the worst jedi character in Battlefont 2! Her special moves suck!

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Agreed brother! Star Wars fans don’t know how well they have it these days. They have so much to look forward to and some pretty solid stuff out there already. As a Star Wars fan and a Doctor Who fan, Star Wars “problems” if they can even be called that are a complete joke compared to the shit that happened to Doctor Who. In just one episode the entirety of Doctor Who’s lifespan, all 50+ years of it got crapped on and so many inconsistencies were created completely ruining everything that came before it and taking away the appeal of the character and series.

But back to the topic I have to say I feel sorry for George Lucas the most when it comes to this. The guy got so much harassment, so much hate to the point that he didn’t even want to make any more Star Wars movies. That’s why he sold it. People tend to forget that. Tbh I can’t blame him for wanting nothing to do with it anymore. When you have a fanbase that can turn on you with the change of the wind… I would bail too.

Damn, you’re making me wanna play that again. It’s been so long.

I hate star wars. I don’t dislike playing games based off of star wars.

Pretty sure that’s just called not having a backbone.
Turns out you don’t hate the star wars franchise.

I don’t claim to hate Predator then go buy all the other merchandise.

I hate predator. I play this game to kill it and any joy pred lovers might have.

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Don’t do it! Play Jedi Fallen Order, TFU 1 or 2 instead!!

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I think tropic thunder sux

That game…is something else

I mean it’s awesomely detailed and the story is good but it’s h a r d

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Well yea… It’s basically star wars meets dark souls 🙄

Yeah I really need to play through that again. It’s been a while. God I just want that new Lego game. Sounds incredible for a Lego game.

I didn’t think it was super hard. It wasn’t easy, sure, but Bloodborne whooped my ass. I stopped playing bloodborne due to the complete lack of any tutorial or even an objective compass.

Yeah me too. Currently completing Lego Star Wars The Complete Saga to 100% again, trying to do it before LSW TSS drops. Currently at 45.4%

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Yes, but they have Gonk droid, so it is all worth it. My one gripe is that there wasn’t much replayability in the game once you 100% it once, there is no drive to do it again.

You do realize Star Trek has significantly gotten worse in the past 20 or so years right?

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Every time I play that game, I drown in nostalgia. Truly beautiful that game is 😍

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Amen. Loving playing it.

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This ain’t lame. Especially if you grew up playing Tie Fighter for PC (1994).

Haven’t seen that. I’ll check it out. But I can already tell you, I’m no fan of anime

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