Why isn't PhG Ilffonic's Nr1 priority game?

Yes. These conversations tend to get very inflammatory and people lose their cool very quickly.


What if people can discuss them while being level headed? 🧐

Yeah people will get that impression when you’re liking communist essay posts, and the communist gets less of a suspension that those who criticized him after you say no politics. You need to be more clear about where you draw the line because it seems to only be when opinions are more right leaning. Everything is political and the movie itself is fundamentally political, so it’d be nice to know what exactly is off limits.

Keep in mind, it was the communist who lost his cool and called everyone ‘just uneducated’ lmao


No. I’ve tried to keep these conversations up multiple times, but someone always comes in and is too extreme. Unfortunately, this is the best way to keep the forums clean.

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I don’t know what you’re talking about. I liked maybe one post by him because he provided some interesting reading. I gave the same suspension as I gave other people who have broken the rules maybe once, if not at all. Your suspension was longer because you’ve broken many rules and I was going off your suspension history. If you don’t want to be banned, maybe follow the rules?

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Right, so hopefully you can understand how you saying ‘no politics’ is a bit confusing when you consider actual propaganda to be interesting reading, but criticism of said content is ‘getting out of hand’.

Also, what is my suspension history? As far as I know that was my first. We don’t know the rules we’re breaking and you’re not clear about what’s allowed politically and what’s not.

Again, nows a good time to lay that out for us.

Ah, my mistake, I had you confused with someone else. In your case it was because you were directly attacking other players and inciting the political discussion immediately after I asked everyone to stop.

I’m not going to discuss this any further on here to keep the conversation on topic, you’re free to dm me for more info.

Again, please keep politics off the forums.

Because they are a contracting company making a product that’s owned by the publisher and no one wants to work for illfonic to start


Why, politics is off topic, it suits this sub forum, are you afraid of proper discussions?

Also, absolute cancerous, childish toxicity of trolling is allowed here but politics not? “LOGIC”.


Forums “clean”…

To All New Forum Members:idiot-lmfao

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Why the hell did they gave Illfonic some franchise rights to do this half assed game?! Why pick such a horrible no talent hipster studio?

“Predator is not actually a big seller.”

It’s not a big seller if you make crap movies and games yes, that’s why studios like Illfonic should never get the rights to franchises like this.

I got enough salt from you to cover all the roads in my county during the winter for the next 5 years.

In fact, I am thoroughly amused and entertained by that thread. Please, continue there.

This one got me 😆😆😆

I can picture their coders riding around the office on skateboards.


It’s perfectly logical to keep politics out of the forum if the dialogue became too intense.

It doesn’t matter who’s right or who’s wrong, talking about politics (as other topics like religion for example) brings the worst out of people.
Trolling also it’s bad, but it’s not “a flaming discussion”, it’s just… annoying and useless posts.

Don’t blame the single moderator for following standard rules or trying to avoid difficult topics to keep a place civilised.


It’s a movie franchise and Fox already gives it to horrible directors, idk why you think they wouldn’t give the games to horrible devs

That’s your only pathetic goal in life, to annoy others online via childish ways so you could feel better about yourself, probably got bullied at lot at school. What a “great” hobby you have, your life must be “extremely fun”. People like you are pathetic.

You can mock me all you want, but I know how pathetic you truly are so all your mocking does 0 to me :)

So politics and religion are too intense but shouting FU bitch and spamming TF memes with similar slogans is all cool? Again “logic”…

Man you people got no balls then when it comes to proper discussions, the only thing you can do is childishly troll.

Ah going back to personal insults now are we? you disappoint me, I was expecting something more. But, ah well, I’ll work with what I’ve got.

Going to objective observation, not personal insults.

If the reality of your character is a persona insult for you then it shows just even more what an insecure and problematic person you are.

Why thank you, I do have an extremely fun and great life!
Some of my other hobbies include reading, running, jogging, and running.