Why the hell is 90% of the PS community so scared to play me?

The difference is I’m not trying to tell people that they shouldn’t pissed at it.
So yeah, if some black person got pissed off at monkey, I am irrelevant in that situation.

All I’m saying is, I’m not gonna feel bad if they end up attacking a racist fuck.

And a lot more people agree than you think.

Aside from not trying to catch a case, most people depending on the situation will jump the fuck out of someone being racist.

Look I’m just gonna state the facts of the situation here.

You’re fucking stupid when it comes to this.
You’re also a lunatic pretending to be civil and acting like you’re a normal person talking here.

Theres too many things going against you here that discredit any thoughts on the matter that you have.

The fact that you cant understand or seem to grasp why racism is extremely vile, shows some level of lack of comprehension.

I get it buddy. You see it differently.
But theres a reason people have damn near an instinctive reaction to racism. You failing to see or understand that shows you should have no say in the matter.

Honestly, you’re not bad with some stuff.
I do enjoy when we talk about shit on here.

But with this one you’re just wrong.

Youd make a shit psychologist.
You’re too focused on yourself and your side.

You’re a piece of shit fin. Talking like a suburb or country white girl.

Those ghettos and the ppl you hate were made by all the shit the government did back in the day.

And guess who ran that shit back then?
White people.

They created the problem and now they bitch and whine about it. And unfortunately that mentality has spread to fucking idiots like you.

When you’re in the ghetto the world automatically assumes you’re going to be a piece of shit and they see that no one gives a fuck about them.

Theres a bunch of shit going on, and against ppl who live in the ghetto, most dont see the fkn point in trying or cant see it.

Of course, since you’re fine, you dont care.

Jesus christ, you talk a certain way and think you’re smart but you’re fucking stupid.

As stupid as those who you look down on.

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A good portion of my extended family is on the ghetto parasite side doing fuck all playing the entitlement game and saying they won’t work for whitey.

Literal delusion.

Because anyone with any kind of initiative would leave.

It’s a fucking mentality. Dealt with it forever, complacency is burned into their mindset and if the gunshots outside won’t make them gtfo then nothing will. You are preaching to the choir.

Some get lucky and get out.
I don’t like ignorant ghetto people.
Keyword ignorant.

But I understand why shit ends up like it does.

It’s been documented fin.
Government fucks poured in drugs and guns to these areas.

Literally for the most part, the world is against you when you’re from the ghetto and poor.
I dont care what you believe in, but to build wealth to a point where you can be just comfortable, not even super rich, is damn near impossible.

Too many people is the issue.

But people see that. Hard work doesnt pay off.
You gotta get lucky. All this shit being the case, what’s the incentive to try anything, in that situation?

What the fuck Is the point in going to school and shit when most likely il get shot even if I’m trying to do the right thing? That’s the mentality. Other shit too, but its shit like that.

Theres a lot of shit you write off, and I dont see why.

I honestly dont care tho. I find it ironic someone in health care doesnt really care about anything or anyone.

You do you, but don’t act like its fucking easy over there.

They aren’t forcing you to steal and sell drugs and shoot people. It’s a “easy way out” trap for people like above that refuse to work.

People that refuse to do anything exist in every society. They just used to kill them with manual labor or put them in the military.

You are supposed to work in this MMO, Fire. If we all retired at 30 nothing would function.

It’s called planning. Luck was an argument in the 1800’s when you had no way of educating yourself and got lynched in the street for trying to move up the social ladder. Comparing the opportunities people have now compared to then because the CIA gives poor people drugs is a joke.
Are we going to blame all the deadbeats and wifebeaters on alcohol companies next?

Figure out basic english and join the military and they will tell you how to live your life if you are truly incapable of figuring it out yourself.

To leave so that you don’t get shot. But the bottom line is people don’t want to leave their stagnant complacent families until their friends start dying. Sometimes that doesn’t even get the point across.

Two different mentalities. One is proactive and the other is just living off food stamps and going to get shot at a 7-11 eventually but thinks they aren’t.
Once you decide you aren’t going to make anything of yourself or contribute to anything, your social contract is forfeit and I no longer care. If you don’t care, why would I?

Ironically, working with ghetto trash that gets paid walmart salary to sit on their phones and kill old people is wearing on my soul

Communists aren’t people so this doesn’t count regardless

Fin, you’re not as smart as you think.
I would have this conversation with you, but aside from being stupid, purposely ignorant, stubborn and uncaring, what the fuck would be the point?

Seriously theres a lot I could talk about, but you’re so set in your ways, what the fuck would be the point?
Just to argue with you?

The problem is too many people, no matter what side their on, left, right, down, up, rich, poor, in, out, ect,
Are too much like you.
Closed off is the best term I can think of.

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Did I imply this when I said don’t steal, sell drugs, or kill people?

and then you go “well its not their fault” so I have all the agency and apparently the people in the ghettos have none so lol lmao.

If they don’t care, why would I?

tl;dr get a job and gtfo section 8 housing.
And stop clubbing with your rent money every weekend after that.

Ok fin.
Since You’re so smart.

While having no money to start out with, I want you to create a fail safe plan to start up a career and get to a point where you’re comfortable.
Not rich, but comfortable. Where you dont live with financial stress or problems.

A guaranteed way to reach it after a reasonable amount of time, not your entire life.

Because if hard work pays off, then itl be a guarantee, luck won’t have to be a factor.

The military isn’t an option because unless someone really wants to do it, and fully understands what that means, no one should have to risk their life to be a pawn.

Instead of just talking shit and looking down on people, let’s see you come up with a guaranteed way to get ahead for people.

If you cant do that, the least you can do is shut the fuck up.

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Idk if you got a Hofbrauhaus near you but that shit is fucking amazing. Here in Cincinnati we have a very large German population and one of the best German restaurants is Hofbrauhaus Newport. A lot of there stuff is authentic imported from Germany such as their sauerkraut, and they also have a in house brewery where they make authentic German beer. Also the hands down best schnitzel I’ve ever had.
Whenever I go I get their lager in house with my meal and get a growler (64 oz/2 liters) of beer to take back of the house Hefeweizen, or the inverse of that. At this point I’m starting a collection of the glass growlers, as after I drink the beer I repurpose them for my fermentation. All I need is to affix a seal and airlock and it’s ready to ferment half a gallon/2 liters of whatever I’m turning into alcohol.

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For me, this is the standard name for streams with the version of the patch.

Damn I can’t believe that I missed a Twitter war over here.

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Don’t you guys get bored of doing this to yourselves? Especially in this obviously broken one sided favored glitched up barely any support ass game and it’s forum?


Neither am I, but we’re having a debate here lol
Keep in mind, my actual opinion to the whole racism thing is just ‘shut the fuck up, your whingeing is hurting my head’. I could not care less, but this is just for the sake of argument.

Oh I think the contrary. My ability to look at it from a completely bias-and-semantics-free point of view lets me see what it actually is - an excuse for insults and violence from both parties. The world is full of these things, and frankly I don’t see why everyone picks on this one specifically. I’m fairly riled up by the idea of someone thinking they’re superior to me, but at the end of the day the fuck are they gonna do about it? You need to take an objective viewpoint of the situation, as many people do. Trust me, it was the whole model I used for treating stuff like depression, addiction; all the chronic and aquired conditions. One needs simply look at themselves from a different point of view, doing their best to ignore their own opinions and look at the situation without the distraction of oneself.

Part of the gift that is psychopathy is the ability to shift ‘emotional masks’. Basically, this means that you see whatever I want you to see when you look at me (or, in this case, read my posts). I may be a lunatic, but anyone sitting next to me wouldn’t for the life of them be able to tell unless I wanted them to. I do a damn good human impression, and that requires understanding how people think and operate, which from a logical perspective qualifies me to take on debates from the point of view a human would take.

One could also argue that the fact you fail to see racism for what it actually is, in the real and tangible world - nothing more than petty insults and grievances - makes you equally if not more invalid for participating in this conversation. As far as I’m genuinely concerned, just kill whoever you want. There’s no question of ‘in your right’, because just as ‘racism’ is an abstract notion, so is right and wrong. But if I were to, as I have during this argument, take on the role of logical analasys of the situation taking into account the capacities and limitations of the human mind and psyche (as well as limited moral factors), I would be arguing that just because someone insults you with a specific intent doesn’t give you the ‘right’ to kill them. If anything, someone being racist makes you view them as less than human, so does that make you any better in wanting to kill them? It just turns into a war of dehumanisation, and in the end the only winner is people like me who sit back and laugh at the apes killing each other over skin colour.

Bruh lol XD
This is a simple debate. As I said in the above paragraph, I can change face whenever I want to whatever I want. In this scenario, I’m taking a logical and evaluative standpoint. I can control any aspect of myself as much as I want. Your point is not only wrong, but irrelevant to me.

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Fukcing bastard, you’re making me even more hungry… I am very jealous, over here we can’t even get some decent goddamn sushi let alone an actual German pub. It’s fuggen fish’n’chips as far as the eye can see.

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@Finessology (once more I’m assuming a role that does not include my actual opinions, but a thorough analasys of the situation) the poor are buggered. No two ways about that. Their ‘mentality’ is definitely a factor but the majority of the reasons why poor people never make anything of themselves is because of the mentalities of others (also would like to point out that the poor don’t really get a say in their life philosophy, as the gravity of their situation is hammered home from birth and ingrained into their psyche from day 1). You can’t get a high-paying job if you’re lower class, because employers simply don’t want poor people working for them. You will get shot because people turn to other methods of making money, not because they can’t be arsed to work but because they literally cannot turn over a decent living. Personally, I’m all for bank robbery, insurance fraud and tax evasion (which, despite what people tell you, is absolutely obligatory) but for people in poor areas and ghettos they legit have no other options other than suicide.
I’d also like to point out that it’s extremely unlikely that people will ever find out about the whole ‘include the poor’ stuff the universities here got going on, because they don’t openly advertise it - they put it in some obscure corner of their website as if they don’t want anyone to find it, which is a double-whammy because not only will people who can barely afford to eat won’t be able to get a computer, but then these programmes take a whole hell of a lot of finding.

The winner is the one who is stronger in character just

have 50 IQ and join the military. Even if you score something mentally challenged on the asfab they can find a role for you.


“risking your life to be a pawn” is better than getting shot at a 7-11 spinning your wheels for all existence gtfo. you are a pawn for someone period. get over it.
The military’s also as low risk as its ever been lol, you’re not getting drafted into vietnam Fire you cuk.
Its majority logistics. People go in with a BA as an officer just to pay off school and they aren’t poor and it isn’t ““luck””, you are just late and think this is call of duty.

atleast you contribute to something at some point in your life while learning some basic discipline that’s likely been absent from your life since forever

no shit if you pull out six loans and blindly walk into a college you will fail. IF ONLY THERE WAS A SYSTEM IN PLACE THAT TEACHES SKILLS, PAYS FOR SCHOOL, AND ALLOCATES GOV BENEFITS FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Idk like the military? The absolute dumbest thing to refuse to accept as an option. good job fire.

That’s not what the military does you fucking ret@rd XD
You sign up, you get yelled at and stripped of all semblance of free will, ‘period’. On the offchance you do get into combat at some point (which is looking more and more likely as time goes on) you’re either gonna die of a septic wound or be traumatized for life, do a shitty job of dealing with it and end up as a wife-beater in the suburbs.