
ooohhhh shieeeeeeeeeeet here we go again…

dude… there’s no reason to cheat on this game when it is so easy to win against potatoes like you



Soviet Army dancing to Hard Bass - YouTube

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was it wrong for me to report you ? :D
okey tell that to the admins :D

you’ll almost cry for a report

edit: JelouGaming, what you said made a lot of sense i think you are right
you are right too Scarface
Im sorry again

Pred makes noises everywhere. when you are running in the ground your stomps are loud. when you are in the trees there are noises plus the leaves fall. we had one dude yesterday asking us how did we manage to see him so easy. Answer to that? We never saw him, but saw the pools of blood below him and with the clicking and purring, very easy to find.

The damage output of FT does not ask for any cheats, hitting a leaping pred is one of the easiest things to do, even with a controller.

Simply put, no, there are no cheaters on this game. Getting good at this game only takes practice and hunting the pred is easy game with broken loadouts unless you are exceptionally good playing as predator


BTW you can report all you want. Many of us have been, both as FT and as Predator. To this date no one has received a warning or a ban whatsoever. So, keep doing it if it makes you feel better. Nobody is listening anyway ;)

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Lmaooooo…you can report me all you want. You actually think the admins look at your reports with absolutely no proof? You’re a special type of person.


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tenor (7)

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I don’t see a reason for people to cheat in this game it’s super easy when your FT because the balance sucks

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Scarface_1983, PsychoBaBas, Macelaru_RO, Dusan_84

Cheaters? LoL. These are not even the best players especially the Mace. They are just playing together as a team. The only thing this Mace excels in is his vast knowledge of vulgar terms and the continued expression of his extreme desire for some kind of interaction with you, the predator. That Mace dies first in most matches and has to be carried by the rest. By the way, is he US American at all, _RO rather hints to Eastern Europe, doesn’t it?

This team is no comparison with Arrow’s aiming skill who only submits to the net gun and skilled baiting, i.e. making use of his ego.

It is definitely not justified to report this team as cheaters. Reporting that Mace is justified though for rude language if you don’t enjoy his ambitions. He is a great entertainer. Talking and cursing all the time. Possibly, he doesn’t even know that a “blob” is shown when he talks, making it really easy to locate him. He must be a real stallion in real life just like Arrow ;).

Note that PC players may use the following cheats which make a severe difference to PS4 and PS5:
4K resolution
high frame rates (60 fps, 120 fps and more)
changing graphical options
motion blur off
displays better suited for gaming than many TVs
mouse and keyboard

yeah its was my fault

Scarface_1983, Im so sorry for reporting your team

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Hahaha! Dude show me on the doll where the pc players touched you.



none of the things you mention are considered cheating.

There is a wide gap in performance compared to console, yes, but in no way that is cheating

Blame developers for releasing such a badly optimized game for consoles

Other games, such as MK, COD MW, Apex Legends, etc, have framerate caps and are optimized to have a similar experience across all platforms, including aim assist for controller players

And you can hook a PC to a TV or a console to a gaming monitor. There is nothing preventing you from doing either.


lol hardware bottleneck on ps4 isn’t cheating. Blame devs for not letting you disable motion blur.

Ps4 vs PC was never fair. Its why actually tournaments don’t allow it & shooters have aim assist for controllers. One input device is factually more accurate and consoles can’t even manage 60 frames.

No shit monitors are better than TVs and have 1ms response rates lol plug into a $500 monitor instead of your TV. how is that cheating? Babies first competitive shooter. When will you start complaining about gaming chairs? Mouse and keyboard is the actual advantage here the rest is miniscule and pros can climb ranks in CS on 60hz TVs