Future Patch Ideas (Work-In-Progress)

Would you be more interested in weapon damage upgrades to the under-performing weapons then re-evaluating more traps?

Right because the fireteam should have more healing.

hell no. unless they buff the predator to have the same amount of healing as the fire team i see in no way should the fire team get ANY buff too healing items.

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so your trying to make the game Fire team sided gottcha

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I will be more interested in making Predator more stealthy. Current Predator with ridiculous “marking mechanic from FT” look not like alien hunter which hunting humans and making them scary, but like Alien from Alien vs Predator series when your main weapon is your speed and jumps. I’m serious you can detect Predator even when he stand still if you just turn your antialiasing in game to zero you will perfectly see him and if you have communication with your mates there will be not much time to need to make a fresh beef from Pred. I wish gameplay for FT and Predator will change to more thoughtful and hasteless where squad team will be more carefull before moving forward like squad of terminators and Predator will have more time to prepare his attack by placing traps or looking for good position. Current game is too fast. Some missons can be end in 5-6 minutes (Mission when you need to blow up boats with drugs, in fact you need 2 spots on map to do all work in this mission). This is not normal for me when I need to rush all game. I suggest to put away any marks or stay mark ability to scout only, reduce HP of all class of Predators (maybe give more endurance to berzerk). Reduce HP of all human classes. Make more time before FT can call helicopter even if they complete all mission objectives. For example you will need to survive at least 3 minute before you will able to go and call helicopter. Make AI NPC more dangerous by making them more accurate in aiming and reduce their reaction time before firing. Reduce their spawn a bit especcially at helicopter landing zone. This will make any mission going more accurate from FT

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OK i completely dissagree on that matter its very hard to take a quick kill but if that now its interruptible itss going to be a nigthmare against the fire team!

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Actually no, I love playing both. But with the boars spawns not only fixed, but also reliable, Predators will have not have to use medkits to heal unless absolutely necessary.

As I wrote in a post before, which I don’t think you read.

I think we have a fair solution to both parties now.

Quick claim is a 1 second duration (it’s already 0.5)

Makes the Fireteam member eligible for reinforcement

Long claim is the same speed

Makes the Fireteam member not eligible for reinforcement

To clarify: Anyone killed by quick claim is eligible for reinforcement, but anyone that is long claim (provided that the reinforcement hasn’t started while they are down) is not eligible for reinforcement.

I am wondering if the long claim should be interruptible, but I think with how long it takes to do, that this would be balanced for everyone.

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actually yea you wanted to nerf the healing for the predator nerf the leaping for the predator nerf the Damage for the predator buff the healing for the fire team buff the amount of time window they can shoot the predator when he goes for a kill and buff the movement speed of the fire team.

so pretty much form that list that SCREAMS to me make the predator a bitch and make the fire team a god.

simple answer no fuck that and fuck you for even wanting that. THE most toxic thing i heard on this site

the game already is Fire team hunting grounds and you wanna make it more so.

just no its not gonna happen because most of us wont let it happen.

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actually, you didn’t read a word, so just be quiet because there are significant buffs to predator healing, predator damage, and balance for the fireteam.
I am sorry that you obviously don’t know how to read everything instead of just what you want but you need to stop saying people are toxic when you are the very one being toxic here.

Both of you calm down, there are buffs to Predator though and you obviously didn’t read that but there is no reason to be rude towards each other

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We are working on some stuff to do with that because we believe that crouch or slow-walking Predators should be far less detectable

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Added in that Predators will make significantly reduced noise when crouch or slow walking
Berserker class will have a 0% increase in stealth
Hunter class will have a 50% increase in stealth
Scout class will have a 100% increase in stealth


man this sure has come along way since it was first posted i actually can agree with it now

though in case these weren’t shown here i’ll leave em here in case it helps with any discussions on more number oriented balance
Weapon dmg stats/time to kills in patch 1.06
some predator perks in numbers including one that actually doesn’t work lol

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we are trying our best to make a game that everyone can be proud of and enjoy


@OldKingHamlet please take a note of all this changes, thank you


That is hopefully the idea

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If you want competitive play just go play cs:go or something that makes you special by getting a prestige badge while you grind your life away. Unlocking ultimate preator skins would be amazing

That is a very strange response to this thread

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Return plasmacaster damage to previous levels. Nerfing it has encouraged preds to combi zerk instead of hunt from distance. Maybe reduce energy drain slightly to encourage more ranged combat too. This would reduce the combizerk tactic.

Make reinforcements come back with no health packs or maybe just one syrette and half ammo.

Reduce predator noise levels.

Increase disc speed.

Reduce spot spamming.

Do something to reduce leap slam spamming.

Maybe something to encourage fireteam to communicate better like extra xp when chat is used?

Bonus points if an FT member reinforces solo.

Prioritise actions over reloads so the FT can grab the chopper ropes without doing a reload first.


The idea of extending the quick claim is insane, going in for a quick claim against a well coordinated fireteam usually results in second wind or death. You extend the quick claim, and the FTs will win every time. SMH


Why would both Quick Claim and Long Claim both be the same speed? Quick is not dishonorable just not taking the time to gain a full trophy so not as much value in Pred Society. Just like just skinning them isn’t worth much at all and is usually only done when the Pred is admitting that they were not much of a challenge. Which I wish were an option for very small xp or currency and at this point would be great for the basic AI. It’s more of their version of insult to injury while claiming the minimum points possible, lol. But Quick is a decent amount but not full value and Long is of course full value. They should be worth Currency not just XP. That would give actual incentive to go for long claims as right now there is NONE unless the FT are all down or totally desert their fallen. Quick claims are the only efficient way to keep them from coming back over and over but is still VERY risky if your teammates aren’t also all dead or just dicks who ignore no man left behind.