illfonic PLEASE READ & Hopefully imply

Devs: Okay so we’ll give you a speed boost for killing AI, health and damage boosts for disabling alarms and picking up those useless weapons we leave on the map.

Scout Players: Cool…so uh…what about when the Pred shows up while I’m playing COD?

Devs: hands over a Grimtech use duelist and hide behind the field medic


While I personally love using dualist and scavenger (fine specializations btw) the others are lacking.

liberator is rendered completely useless the second the alarms are tripped which any decent pred would do.

Rush down requires AI for it to be of any use whereas an amphibious recon can do the same but better because all it requires is water which includes muddied areas and instantly muds you up as well.

Dualist is alright and makes the 1011-12 pretty damn good however its DPS is out matched by a recon with sniper or an assault/Dutch with deadly. All of those classes can take more of a beating and can bring gear to help the team or throw grenades for even more damage.

Scavenger I have no problems with. It’s a great specialization that helps with the weapon crate issues of them being nearly useless.

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I haven’t run with scavenger but that’s because I love my loadouts. Liberator is indeed limited in it’s usefulness by default. I do like dualist and Rushdown, I tend to use rushdown more often though and I’m usually doing AI clear out with it and I love speed in this game. Recon feels cheap to me most times which is why I’ll favor scout

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Ask @GetToLaChappa how I feel about the issue of Scout v Recon (he’s a dirty recon main, fucking degenerate).

I will try to use rushdown a little more however I feel like any class can do the same with a hammerhead or the double pump shotgun. Do you know how long the speed boost lasts?


Not off the top of my head no. It ain’t long at all though. It’s enough to get you from one side to the other to run down that AI heading for the alarm everyone ignored.

Yeah you can do it with every other class with a shotty sure, what you can’t do is stay out of splash range of the pred trying to target you while you’re doing it though.

Most times I’ve played with @GetToLaChappa he’s been running assault. He did love his recon with amphibious though lol

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That dirty non-scout user.

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I am a Support Main, but I’ve recently become fond of the Sniper/Spotter combinations.

The only reason I haven’t been running Support recently? Because Field Medic feels broken.

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I think Scout has fine passives, in fact, I consider it an upcoming challenge to get nasty with them.

Here’s to the pursuit of excellence - despite overwhelming odds. 🤓

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For Predator specializations go here

My thoughts on Field Medic and a few other Specializations

Pardon my French in the video that has me in it getting even with just an old Rival…Old Gregg has pissed off more predators than he remembers but they remember me LOL

Maybe preds change colour? Maybe it’s like us getting a suntan?

But seriously it’s still classed as that character with some customisation. If I stick a huge wing on the back of my civic it doesn’t make it a type R.

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You don’t want that. James Cameron has it on good authority that those funbags are full of vinegar. You know, like Kathleen Kennedy.

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James Cameron doesn’t lie. You are merely incapable of comprehending his truth.


Your truth?
You a feminist? XD

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simply out of curiosity, why though. I don’t see the problem so what’s it to you?🤔🤔



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Do pls continue. I just don’t understand. Now that JH87 can be customized to an almost 100 % degree, the literal last thing missing would be a female option. In most games, male options and certain male exclusive things are just never as cool or even better than female options and items. I’d feel like I am getting more of my money’s worth if each predator DLC came with a female option.

All of those killed me a little inside.