Just Suggestions

Don’t you worry I’ll get that carrot soon enough I just got to give them my credit card information and I’ll be able to finally be happy.

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added a suggestion for unique limited use “power weapons” to come out of the useless weapon crates found in games

Ah Kassinaillia saw this post one of the forum moderators and illfonic’s Community Coordinator

  • VERY
  • VERY
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I’ll throw in my cents.

Improvements on Predator Cloaking is a must for stealth gameplay options. Right now, its either you run and be visible invisible or stand still and be completely invisible. It would help immensely with increased gameplay stealth tactics and experience of being a Predator if cloaking correlates with movement:

  • Running would be the current Predator visibility, makes complete sense.
  • Slow walking would lessen Predator visibility a lot more than running, like lets say you see only 50% of Predator cloaking than you would of a running cloaked Predator
  • Crouch walking would be 25% Predator visibility while cloaked.

Not only it will give more gameplay stealth options to Predator gameplay but also incentive of teamwork for Fireteam, stronger attention to visual/audio cues, and more use of their gear such as the ACIGS and EMP mines.

Maskless Thermal Vision would be beneficial for Predator utility when the mask is blown off. The current meta, the Predator’s capabilities is too limited. It can’t use its Plasmacaster, it cannot track Fireteam through heat or even sound, or even detect boars for healing. Its way too vulnerable to Fireteam counterattacks when many are packing Predator tracking utilities like drones and motion tracker mines, or even trying to find pigs for healing. This is where maskless thermal vision comes in: Recall in the film when red thermal vision popped up when the mask is removed? The Predator being capable of seeing thermal, just in a weaker state.

What we can have here is that the Predator is not completely helpless. We can see thermal that requires no energy use, no flashing eyes as visual indicators, or even no sound cues it makes when switching vision modes. Draw backs are it cannot make use of Sound Isolation, poor use of Plasmacaster, and its only limited to a certain small radius, as red thermal doesn’t have the range its biomask provides. That way, at least the Predator isn’t at a completely unfair disadvantage for healing and tracking.

EMP Mines also need a radius increase, as the current radius requires the Predator to actually place its foot directly on top of the mine. Since the device is so small, more often than not, the Predator never triggers the mine, even walking past it triggers nothing, making the device almost useless in the current state. Increased radius would be perfect for offensive/defensive tactics such as covering Fireteam’s back from a sneaky Predator or setting up ambushes on a Predator trailing not too far behind.

I do have more in mind but this is what I can think of at the moment. Will add more here soon, thanks for reading!

just added a few stuff

another idea

And that’s just not ok

it’s been a while

[Illfonic plz just let players have a custom class with a point buy system just have the body types be selectable I’m tired of Hunter dominated meta]

add more solid colors or iridescent colors to customization options and or make colors more consistent across predators (you decided later on olive is black and crimson is purple for example make it so for everyone)

scars on flesh Face or body
i don’t know why you didn’ like warpaints and scars stack on each other (scar first then paint ontop)

Its possible its just time constraints didn’t allow them to do so. Perhaps they will implement this in the next major patch or so.

add this mask it’s from AVP 2010 the one from SEGA bonus points if this predator makes it in


increase the revive timer for field medic by .3seconds increase the healing from being revived by a field medic by 100hp

honestly what wristlauncher really needs is faster projectile speed and a slower DoT that takes like 2 times as long
now that might sound aweful
but then your effectivly turning one or all of the ft memebers into a light (edited)
which is very easy to notice
it renders mud useless for the duration
you don’t have to waste time spotting them with thermal unless you have to

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i agree with this

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If classes got passives via built in perks like Dithered Lens; Long Jump, extra Tree movement & defense, trapper, etc we’d see more interesting class diversity

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Self revive should be changed to interrupt the process of a quick claim

when you add the falconer drone you should make it a lock on boomerang type item that locks onto targetes and does very low dmg (25 at most)

please do a look around on this site and review your various dmg and dps values
because some ofthem are outragous like for example the pitbull and the prototype rifle







Now this is a proper suggestion thread, some are good, some are bad(not too viable), some seem like a good idea but might affect the balance and overall view and feel of the game…and not in a good way.

Hope to come and look over the topics each and every one and correlate with other suggestions between themselves(ones that you had here) to see if they affect too much eachother, as soon as I have the proper time to do it.

Good work.
And yes, I suppose the people who were in the game from Beta deserve better consideration based on the hands-on experience when it comes to feedback. (I am as well since the demo, pre-ordered)

Keep up the good work and have fun.