One more attempt to be heard.

My friend, you don’t understand.

First that XP in PHG seems to mean absolutely nothing.

Second, that You would get the Coins the same way we get VT Today in the Game.

The Difference is that if You are Playing with the Predator, You would be able to collect VT as Coins to unlock the Predator’s Personalization Items.

And in the case of Soldiers, You would start collecting small bundles of Money to collect during the Match and then unlock the Soldiers’ Personalization Items.

It’s simple!.

The main benefits of this idea are:

  • We would not have to spend hours doing weekly or daily challenges to accumulate coins;

  • We would no longer need Field Lockers - Which open Items that we already have unlocked;

  • And we would no longer need to save so many coins; Because to unlock Soldier Items, we would have to collect Money during Matches; And to unlock Predator Items, we would have to collect VT from Predators.

More explained than that, Impossible.

I think some Weapons in the Game are not doing the expected damage to the Predator.

The Predator already has Weapons MUCH Superior than those of Soldiers.

Therefore, Soldiers need more powerful weapons to balance combat.

The predator already dies in a matter of seconds.
Like 2 or 3.

No.the fireteam does not need anymore damage .
They already have it too easy.

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You don’t understand if this were to be implemented there would be no reason to play as FT, EVERYONE WOULD PLAY AS PREDATOR, and the WAIT TIME would SKYROCKET to the point no one can play as Predator.
Your “coin” idea would kill this game about as fast as if they added microtransactions to buy Field Lockers


A lot of people dont play ft just to farm vt.
So if he’s saying you could get vt as ft and pred it wouldn’t cause an issue.

Also, if they did add microtransactions for feild lockers, it wouldnt make a difference.

Theres a lot of us who wouldnt buy them.

So if a few ppl who have money to throw around and want buy boxes, so be it.
Same with any kind of cosmetics.

Paying for things are only a problem if it gives you a clear advantage.

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Yes, VT isn’t the only reason to play FT

@TheKingofPredators I strongly believe we don’t need multiple currency options, but what we do need is more ways to earn our 1 and only currency.

I posted this a while back and I think this would help earn more money for both FT and Predators
Claiming Skulls and Securing bodies should give us more VT

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That’s you.
But most of the ppl I know and have played with dont just play ft to farm vert.

We play ft just to play with other ppl we know.
Otherwise ft is just so damn boring alone.

Fire, I just think that some weapons are not performing correctly in the game.

And I can’t believe it’s so easy to kill predators in the game.

Only if Players Are Not Knowing How to Play with Predators.

The Lack of Stealth in the Game is also a point to be taken into account.

But for example, the Rocket Launcher, and the S-R3D should be Weapons that would do Absurd Damage to the Predator; And this is not happening.

I also don’t play FT to farm, I enjoy having a good time with friends

It’s soul crushingly boring to play FT alone


by some weapons i assume your talking about shotguns? cause all other weapons kill the predator within 2.8-9 seconds of sustained fire or within 2 magazines if you don’t believe me here keep in mind since this time some weapons were BUFFED to do more damage and you need to have like 80% accuracy per shot and remember there ARE 4 FIRETEAM MEMBERS so multiply all damage accordingly

and i pretty much only play FT to farm VT so like you can’t give predator a currency as it it remove one of the primary ways they get people to play FT since they need 4 people per 1 it’s important that FT remains strong and effective

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I agree in theory. I just don’t think any match, unless it was between friends messing around would last that long. I think 30 mins is ample. Theres only so many resources in the map for FT. Eventually (or if Pred found them first) those ammo crates and health packs are gonna run dry. Then ft is running around with just knives and Pred blasts them from trees the rest of the match. But maybe that could be a good thing.

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How about this… the only way to disable the timer in a public match would be if the Predator blows the helicopter up at exfil with 2 charged plasma shots. At which point, AI stops spawning and its full-on kill or be killed. Any resources left is what there is. And if the radio is still hasn’t been used, it still can be. So, its truly a fight to the finish.

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Adding more curreny doesn’ solve this. It’d actually make it worse. What you want is currency to be earned more easily directly through missions.

Also I concur with robo. It’d make que times worse.

My mauler senses are tingling

Both subjectively and objectivitly better

But we’d still need a timer

This game doesn’t need stealth. It rips the predator off from having a game so nice he literally does nothing, and the FT gets riped off of from doing anything meaningful.

Remember when the last FT member would sneak through the jungle for 10 minutes boring the FT and the Pred?

That’s why they introduce d the last man mechanic. To fix the gameplay because stealth in this game doesn’t work.

There’s a reason why the timer exists…

And now the Pred with his infinite camo build will now be jumping across the map invisible while the FT pointlessly chases him around untill they rage quit after an hour

My Friend, as “Fogo” said, I also don’t think it’s cool to be playing as a FT Soldier to accumulate VT.

But I am not suggesting several currency options.

It’s Too Simple !.

It is a Coin for Predators and a Coin for FT Soldiers.

You are going on a Mission, OK ?.
As an FT soldier.
Instead of You collecting VT, You will collect Small Pouches of Money.

And if you later play as a predator, you can collect VT.

Are you Understand?.

Your idea that with more Claims, You Earn more VT, is also Great.

But even so, the VT could still be a Currency only for Predators.

And for Soldiers who Survive the Predator’s Attack, and are able to Protect their Body, They Would Earn more Money than they would receive only if they completed the Mission.


I’ve already answered several times. Just see the other Comments !.

It could be optional

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VT is literally Predator metal. A soldier is going to be paid handsomely for bringing back alien technology/metals

But if you are only playing as an FT soldier just to collect VT, you are not playing with the right objective.

Playing as FT Soldier aims to put yourself in the Soldier’s Skin and face the Predator face to face.
The cool thing is that you can do this as a team with your friends.

As for Weapons, I was not referring to Shotguns.
I never had any problems with them.

The reason why I suggest the Predator to have his Own Coin as well, is that it would make People change more between Playing as a Predator, and as an FT Soldier.

For it would be necessary to collect both Coins and Predator, as well as Soldier of the FT.

In a private? that’s fine.

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