People can't edit their loadout. Affected classes City Hunter, Dutch 87, and Viking

I think I’m one of the three people in the world who love Predator 2…

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I re-watched a few months back and my opinion of it actually changed. I use to dislike it but now I love it, and I’m glad CH is in this game.
I really love the “want some candy” taunt and the weapon holsters he has

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Omg it gets people so worked up. I’ve used it to irritate fireteam members out of hiding and into my arrows

I used the taunt during my Alpha Monday challenge against some campers with field medic on Backwater

Just look for my House of Doom video

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i love predator 2 also is one of my favorites too

The problem is that you’re running Smart Disc as a primary weapon. City Hunter cannot be accessed with it in the primary slot.

Dutch 87 cannot be accessed with the GOSL-R equipped either.

You can customize the loadouts all you want before adding the weapons to the class, but after you exit their customization menu, if you have the smart disc equipped as the primary weapon as City Hunter, or GOSL-R on Dutch 87, you’re locked out for good.

In order to remove this issue from your classes, you have to clear your saved data.


Strange because I never had smart disk on my CH at any point, and I still can’t access him

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Test it out, put it on your CH and it’ll lock you out

Im already locked out of my CH and I haven’t bought Dutch 87

My CH has Net Gun and the War Club equiped

Hm. That’s strange. Old Gregg and I tested that stuff out and came up with only the Smart Disc was the problem. Try putting the net gun on another CH class and see if it locks you out

I’ll try it out once im off work

Yeah, CH locks when Smart disc and Net Gun are in the primary weapon slots

Count me in with CH.

Pic of my CH loadout that can’t access. Found out I couldn’t load it when I went back to re-customize it after deleting my settings, to fix the issue the first time

Not letting me customize any of my predator loadouts… Just keeps saying please wait loading and nothing… Please help

Currently there isn’t a way to fix them the only way to re-access them is to follow these steps

  • Don’t give Dutch 87 the GOSL
  • Don’t put Smart Disc or Net Gun in the primary weapon slot on CH

Other then that I can’t help


Yup. Was only 1 predator city hunter loadout that i lost access to. Now its 2. One has a combistick, and the second has smart disc. Both as primary weapons. Smh. Sucks. Playing on ps4

Wow the list of primary weapons CH can’t use, or else you get locked out, seems to be growing with each new report. I hope Illfonic gets a hotfix out in January

I also have it: I got this very specific bug

Only way to fix it is to delete your save, and hope Illfonic fix it in a hotfix