Plasma spammers??

to be fair shooting guns takes no skill you just aim at the pred and fire and the hitscan with aim assist does the rest (aim assist on console)

Assuming aim assist would be of any use… I’ve seen predators run literal circles around PS players and they can’t track and shoot him. Most games I got 7-10x the damage they do. AS is shit and that is why plasma spaming is so good for console players, same with using the rocket launcher and mercenary.

I havent noticed any aim assist

there is aim assist it’s just the single worst aim assist system i’ve ever seen cause it doesn’t use the right stick (aiming stick) it uses the moving stick (left stick) so you’d only get the aim assist if you aim by moving your character

After literally hundreds of hours i have never felt this aim assist aside from one time where it suddenly snapped onto a pig who ran by my character

I see.
Thanks for the info

still even so, hitscan is no skill really, dont even have to lead shots or no bullet drop… id say its harder to hit with the plasma than it is to hit with a hitscan sniper rifle

And “no skill” im just joking as you are, ofcourse there is skill in all play, if there were no skill then the potatoe preds would be winning easily.


The plasma caster has insane AOE, you can completely miss and you still do damage. Aiming and shooting a fast, leaping target is very hard. Try playing a competent predator and see how many bullets you put in him. There is a reason why there is a gab between people shooting the predator when that score board pops.
Consider the number of FPS (competitive) and how pros anihilate new players.

I get hit with the PC by new predators, even those that decide to heal right in the middle of us (just had 1 predator from STEAM do that). Hitting targets and winning games is compeltely different and spaming the PC against good players tend to end… Not so well. There is a reason why the BOW is needed to deal with deatsquads and the BOW is a weapon I would say is high skill to use well.

bow is too obnoxious to use against a good squad, after the first shot its useless as they just zig zag… obnoxious and inefficient… and the good squads i play have no problem no matter how much plasma you spam, they have DPS hitscanned you down before you can get 3 shots off.

Again as iv been saying through this whole thread, the issue is not the plasma its the inability of the inexperienced fireteam to deal with it.

1 person may get taken down by it but the other 3s job is to forece the pred away so they can be revived.

It cant take down more than one person unless ur potate stood together then thats the teams fault again, bad planning and tactics.

the ammount of shots it takes to take down 1 is enough time for the other 3 to 2nd wind the predator.

I did say that its OP against potatoes and useless against good players but my post is somewhere in those 200 posts above.

That said the bow is THE weapon to deal with PC deathsquads, you just need insane skill. Here is an example:

just keep in mind the AoE damage is between 15-25 damage that’s 4 shots before a syrette is used plenty of time to just either take the mask from the predator or do enough damage to make him back off
while i would agree if you were to nerf the splash by 10

at this moment i’d say the plasma caster is fine

and i would agree that the bow is a higher skill cap weapon in the same way Disc is to combistick
and that’s fine too

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id hapily reduce the splash 10 and it wouldnt change how i use it, i direct hit atleast 50% of shots and the other are within a meter or 2 so im really not relying on splash unless they camp a building then yeh, u need that splash to make them GTFO.

Reduce splash and increase direct damage on quick shots. more skill based!

Keep charged as it is.

yeh bow is harder and therfore requires better aim but ultimatley is inefficient use of the time you have IMO. if you are missing youre giving them time to do the mission and/or fire back at you. plasma doesnt run out of shots.

With the jank of the game and lagg sometimes, the bow used to be a good weapon for me but now its not worth the effort at all.

Sword, net gun, plasma is my fave setup

I think the damage is so low only at the very edges, should be bigger closer to center target (even if its missed). That said I don’t mind the damage, preds need it to clear buildings. I don’t think its something that needs nerfing. I played like 15-20 games since the last update to test things out, won every game…

iv won 99% of my games last 2 days, again, not because im uber but becasue the fireteams were potatoe. they dont count toward balance.

The 2 or 3 good matches iv have, the team had no problem with plasma, they didnt even shout on mics “Stop spamming plasma” lol - thats how you know a team is good! they just deal and get on with it lol

Personally I think the net gun is a detriment to the predator, any decent FT is going to do quite some damage to you as you try to net one and then just cut the net. Its only useful in 1v1 scenarios and when the squad has 3 potatoes and you need to take just 1 guy out.

i use net pretty much only 2 v 1 scentario, i down 1, then jump in net the one reviving him and claim him in front of the guys face and he cant do shit about it

That is the problem, to many casuals that can’t play and no skill based matchmaking. Leads to lopsided games.