Ridiculous spotting video

Yea agreed, i read someone’s idea on here to make it only highlight the direction of the predator instead of highlighting the predator himself, would make it a lot more like in the movie with fireteam firing into the trees trying to hit something in a general direction


I agree the idea of the spotting mechanic is fine, and helps with communication. I would just either limit it to just the eye ball, put a ~10 second cool down on it, or have it not work on 100% invisible Predators.


Seriously im a fire team and think predators ridiculous big bunny/frog hops needs addressing!

Yeah but then you’d have people complain about how they’re just spraying in the trees until they hit something. I’m curious how this spotting thing is going to evolve.

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most of the issues with spotting, arent actually issues with spotting itself.

Basically, the issue is that anyone with headphones will always know where pred is, and his cloak not being very effective, does not help that at all. If he could even just crouch walk with the cloak staying full invis, it would be a significate difference I think.

Some of that is false, just low graphics settings will not negate the times when Predator should be 100% invisible (when remaining still for a few seconds).

Anyone who claims to be able to see a Predator who is cloaked and standing still is either: bullshitting, bugged, or busted.

The rest of it is good advice, thanks for sharing!


Yeah thats why I said rumors

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In fairness though, are they truly still rumors if proven false?

They are if you didnt read the proof XD

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A fair statement. I am glad I could help and thanks again for the great tips!

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Likewise, Good job on proving it false. Bump your posts more often, so people read them more often. Way too many people still think the graphics are an issue. The only thing that they are an issue with right now is smoke grenades. smoke grenades dont have any smoke effects with the effects set to low.


your post already says that. lol!

Honestly I think that’s perfect

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Spotting just negates Pred’s camo tech because even when cloaked FT can still spot you when your moving or even when your standing completely still sometimes.

So what i’m trying to say is Pred’s camo tech because of spotting is only in the game for looks and basically has no purpose because FT can still see you regardless.


I’m pretty sure that nerfing spotting does nothing against good teams that can just communicate through discord but does succeed in buffing pred pub stomping, which is a bad thing? Does anyone disagree with this ? Just interested.

Its worse than that, because pred only clicks when cloak is on. so it actually GIVES YOU AWAY LOL!


Theres nothing wrong with spotting just those complaining need to get good its as simple as that.

Hey, could you leave me this one if that’s ok man? I honestly want peoples opinion on my question.

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Yes I think most of the pre-made/experienced teams are not going to spot a Predator right away and risk giving up a few head shots, and will communicate in VIOP and use spot to more to keep tabs on a Predator.

Yeah, I think most people that have played against such a FT team would agree. So the question becomes do we need to buff predator against low skilled/solo qing FT’s right now? Right?

I am unsure if that’s the situation AND if this is the change I’d want in such a situation. But the community seems to disagree :/