Select Weapon Skins Temporarily Disabled - 3/15

We have found an issue where select weapon skins, in certain conditions, can cause loadout resets. In order to investigate this issue we will be temporarily disabling these skins.

Thanks for your patience!

Update: This issue has been addressed in Patch 1.11


Thank goodness. This bug was a real pain in the ass.


That was an annoying 24 hours lol


Hell yes @IllFonic and @Courier. Thanks for the heads up. Itā€™s great to see you guys actively improving Hunting Grounds.

Keep up the awesome job.


dont suppose you guys have tweaked the bow at all, it feels off since the last patch?

The bug was making me mad lmao

How about the private lobbies/connection with 3/4/5 players. Any progress fixing them?

No biggie do what you gotta do and a BIG thanks to all at illfonic for your effort in addressing issues!

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Excited for everything you dish out @Courier!!!

Maybe some different weapon attachments?

Tried dot laser sights =0??

Very excited for new game modes and maps :)

The most annoying bug everšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£

I had that issue and now the weapon skin I was using is gone, as well as the issue. Guess these people actually listen and fix things

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That is correctamungo my guy

I found this issue not illfonic

One elite weapon skin reverts all loadoutsā€¦ any word on some better looking predator masksā€¦ also the eldermask reskin is lazy
. Industrial skins and more hinter in natureā€¦ less fortniteā€¦ more industrial

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Yeah what about fixing private matches