The Batman is diarrhea.

…for sure 😁

Lol this is better then the Movie! 😂 🤣

I love stoner Batman

k this was pretty good. Didn’t expect the mysticism but it made this a king arthur/Conanish type story. Was cool and didn’t pull punches, not a bunch of jump cuts either.

Kind of like the Revenant where its a smaller contained revenge story and shot similarly. Same feel but with vikings. And doesn’t try to portray them as relatable pro-democracy egalitarians with costumes on so thats refreshing.

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You have a Tobey boner not many can admire.



Hey guys if anyone is a Batman fan then don’t go to my Gotham Knight Thread and get hyped till it’s release

Yeah, cuz Bats is dead in that game!

Don’t worry that game is dead to me

Dr strange and all the mcu movies are all vomit and covid.

Is Dr Strange 2 crappy? I’m leaving to see it in half an hour! 🤣

You’re better off reading the comics

Dr Strange 2 was a good time. Lots of fun cameos, opening up the multiverse even more, lots of new possibilities, lots of fun twists. If you’re unfamiliar with the more recent Secret Wars concept, you’re screwed though. But, honestly at this point if you go into Dr Strange 2 blind of all other recent marvel films and felt mad cuz you can’t follow it, it’s your own fault. This is the farthest thing from a standalone film or even a simple sequel that’s ever been, imo.

Actually according to this might actually be DC trying to shift focus on the Bat family

That still doesn’t stop circumstances we might never ever get a Batman game 😔

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Well soon I mean

Batman would never use Wikipedia as a viable source of info…


Only if it’s not lego Batman

Please elaborate