just done a few private games with the war club against a well trained FT
and the conclusion is the disiorient is useless as it only makes the screen go black and white (correction in quote but the disorient is so fast it doesn’t bother the FT at all) they can still just shoot me to death in 1v1 situations without moving to kill predator first they can also just spam L2 parries to parry every single attack without a thought in their brains which causes the 3rd unparryable hit to never even occur even if it does occur FT can just walk around the pred and never be hit by it
for fucks sake give it a Flashbang effect on hit have the blindness effect last long enough that it actually matters it should last AT LEAST 3/4 of a second or as much as a second and a half give it diminish returns on each hit to ensure it’s not overwhelming or give it a heavy attack that has some kind of special quality such as an AOE slam a knockback swing that takes stamina or some other thing i can’t come up with and change the Melee dmg to be obscene if your going to have a melee weapon this slow
each hit should do around 60 damage or more and the third hit should do 120 if a FT gets hit with this weapon it’s actually their fault
it’s actually absurd this weapon has been so bad since beta