What predator(s) are your favorite?

Back in my day we didn’t take requests! We did back breaking, brain teasing research! 🤣🤣🤣

Just know PHG’s customization is limited which is not only a good thing but a bad thing so don’t feel destress when you can’t make it exactly like it.

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I think the prophet mask would be good for ahab or ghost build


Definitely in my opinion, sad to see none of the scars work for it though so we have to use the slash Warpaint

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I’m not sure I guess he was just a extra from predator 2?

Yeahh I I what you mean
I’m probably going to start off with Dark

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Is that from a comic or the description on the box? If its a comic i think ima have to get that sounds badass

Good luck, I’d maybe suggest using Choppers mask

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Wut you mean like all his battle scars from previous hunts? If so that would be a good one, but im bias toward greyback lol JH is the OG predator but in street logic Greyback is the triple OG and I like him over wolf

I got a Ahab build I use and used to have top knot build but not anymore

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Made my Top Knot build before! Had some fun with that build^^

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Jungle Hunter
Broken Tusk
I like a lot of the predators, but these five are my favorite.


That’s exactly what my Ahab build has
Elder class with the prophet mask lol i had a feeling that was an obvious Ahab build

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I wish they’d give the option to mix and match armors, trophies (elders necklace, Vikings skull on the shoulder, exileds spines on his back waist, etc. It would help in making a lot more builds


Strictly movie preds then JH. He hunted what he wanted, had some fun, and let the plot have its way at the end and successfully blew himself up.

Jh is OG but greyback is triple OG!

Yeah, but he’s only cool with outside media. if we’re talking only the movies then I guess he has a cool trophy collection but not much else.

It would have been so cool if they had that customization 😔


Nah I’m gonna use the Elder one.

Chopper has too many indentations and the eyes are way off

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If they woulda made 1718 into a movie then i guess I’d have some ground to dispute that, but since they didnt i guess all i got is
At least greyback has a fanny pack!!

That he does, it’s to carry the consolation prizes for when one of their own fucks up bad.