-Need to toggle melee predator tracking in options //// I dont like it.
-Need Epic monster missions on map
-Need more predator weapons Spear Gun, Longer Wrist Blades,Whip
-Need to be able to throw War club and elder sword
-Need Ceremonial Dagger
-Need new Predator Class called Bad Bloods
-Need More Maps
-Need Stronger AI ( smarter )
-FT can throw knife as well ( and have a new class the samarui ) main slot is a sword secondary is whatever.
-Predator to be able to drag a downed opponent in tree and hang them with whip or rope and skin them. Gives Blood lust and increases Regen on energy and stamina by 100%
-In game currency increase for killed predator or FT members
- NEED MORE MAPS //// Even on different planets
-Vehicles for FT ( vehicle can be destroyed but has as much hp as a 2 berserker predator ) or you can find motorcycles and jeeps, truck, convoyes
-Increased speed on disc with acceleration on
-FT can have a bazooka with 6 total uses 8 gear slots.
-Gernade launcher returned to normal with 12 total uses… max ammo is 6
-Spotting mechanic does not reveal predator but it can be spammed up to 8 times
DLC Ideas for Predator ( skin ideas and weapons included with each dlc)
-Broken TUSK- melee (leap slam dmg increased)
-Ghost- Increased (invis perk while moving)
-PRINCE- ( spear gun )
-ELDER-Duel whips ( able to grab one FT member with his synthetic head whips while attacking the FT.
-City Hunter-wrist blade mini discs
-WOlf- dual plasmas
-SCar- Ceremonial Dagger
These are ideas and I understand may be op… But its to be fun…