Future Patch Ideas (Work-In-Progress)

What about to add option to set camera behind Pred’s back or a bit higher behind his head instead left or right shoulder?

IDK how hard this to implement in current state. But I have idea to add possibility in graphic options for Predator to turn off “backlight” for trunks and branches which Predator can use for climb and run. Leave only hotkey on them which will tell that you can hit it and you will jump to tree

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-Need to toggle melee predator tracking in options //// I dont like it.
-Need Epic monster missions on map

-Need more predator weapons Spear Gun, Longer Wrist Blades,Whip

-Need to be able to throw War club and elder sword

-Need Ceremonial Dagger

-Need new Predator Class called Bad Bloods

-Need More Maps

-Need Stronger AI ( smarter )

-FT can throw knife as well ( and have a new class the samarui ) main slot is a sword secondary is whatever.

-Predator to be able to drag a downed opponent in tree and hang them with whip or rope and skin them. Gives Blood lust and increases Regen on energy and stamina by 100%

-In game currency increase for killed predator or FT members

  • NEED MORE MAPS //// Even on different planets
    -Vehicles for FT ( vehicle can be destroyed but has as much hp as a 2 berserker predator ) or you can find motorcycles and jeeps, truck, convoyes

-Increased speed on disc with acceleration on
-FT can have a bazooka with 6 total uses 8 gear slots.
-Gernade launcher returned to normal with 12 total uses… max ammo is 6
-Spotting mechanic does not reveal predator but it can be spammed up to 8 times

DLC Ideas for Predator ( skin ideas and weapons included with each dlc)

-Broken TUSK- melee (leap slam dmg increased)
-Ghost- Increased (invis perk while moving)
-PRINCE- ( spear gun )
-ELDER-Duel whips ( able to grab one FT member with his synthetic head whips while attacking the FT.
-City Hunter-wrist blade mini discs
-WOlf- dual plasmas
-SCar- Ceremonial Dagger

These are ideas and I understand may be op… But its to be fun…


DesertDog has suffered a loss in the family but he will be updating this as soon as possible
In the meantime I will make notes of everything and see what we can work out to see what would be good, not enough, or too much.

darn sorry to hear that!

here are some things i would certainly add in the bug fixes

Fucking hell.

My sincerest condolences.

Focus and that stuff, worry about the game another time.

I pushed forward a lot of the bug fixes and stuff here to DesertDog. He was able to update it.
I am still trying to catch up on everything, so please bear with me.

Can somebody describe what that means? Sort of ban or unable to start searching new game? And what “before it ends” mean? If I fire team member and Predator killed me, can I exit a game or I should wait before my dummy teamnate resurrect me by reinforcement mechanic? (Sorry not all of you dummy but mostly random mates). Also if I will dead after team used reinforcement radio then I will spectate only, so any reason not to leave in this case? Same to Predator. If team killed him, should he wait untill game ends (OWLF-copter will come) or not?

your spot on… why wait the times are to long to begin with… It is ok to leave when your dead inmo especailly if you can see how bad your ft is trying to use trash inslot items and not knifing the berserker. If all 4 ft member knife the berserker its gg

good job on updating the notes. honestly this thread is the right way to do this . All the devs need to do is copy paste this with check marks on what theyve done and what they are working on as we continue to update it. thank you and well done.

Also with more things to add… The disc should multi-hit same target and on its speed up secondary ability it should be double the speed of a scout or even triple.

The long jump perk is literally no worth… wish they revert the grenade launcher back to normal and the plasma caster. (Plasma should be 50 uncharged dmg and 200 direct hit or 120 splash.) 5 shots to bring them down is insane. If they have a really good sniper your not even going to be able to poke your head over a ledge. I think the plasma should be feared but FT just face checks its worthless dmg… when I post issues this is for high level PC Fire-teams… hell even one competent sniper can ruin your day… cause when I play FT its just to ez to snipe the incoming preds. DPS … FT wins. The issues as stated that can stop the nonsense is spotting, cloak needs to go invis soon as you stop, crouch walking should make zero noise… I mean wtfing fuck. The game is centered around one thing now… the leap bug on injured enemies. The only way a pred is honeslty going to beat a really good FT right now is by leap spam exploit if they get caught. I was hoping to use plasma caster as main weapon but its just not very good atm.
issues that ruin predator stealth game play
-Noisy as shit
-Spotting every 2 sec
-Shitty invisibility when crouching ( need to go invis as soon as you stop moving)
-The Heavy predator is just a Fat ass that eats bullets in his lip guard.
-The scout can be effective but nothing really defines him besides stamina/energy.
-Crackling is so dumb when invis it ruins the vib.

The FT has point click and the snipers are op and smgs. Basically the amount of dmg you can put out on a FT is insane.
Give berserker something like 2 plasma casters that do double dmg.
Give scout a real cannon spear gun
Give hunter the ability pull enemies into the tree upsidedown or something…

Even the FT should have specific weapons to counter balance issues. Everyone running first second or third sniper and smgs isnt healthy

The fact the predator stomps like a t-rex doesnt really give the FT a sense of o shit where is it.

here is a poor bastard that was so scared from sniper shots and parries he just gave up… 2 v 1…

When everyone unlocks all weapons on FT… You quickly relize the top tier guns are top tier all the way.

This shit is bs i can solo a zerker… he was bad but still only 2 ft vs one zerker cause the other 2 Disconnected.

How can we still not have a toggle for motion blur on PS4???

Aye man I think some people are getting the wrong impression that this is a legitimate patch note forum. You should change the title or add something that says that this is not official

It was only one person, but I changed it temporarily until I have a better name. That was kind of funny seeing fan made ideas taken fully, especially the amount of facepalms.

I am going to be updating the list once I thoroughly test patch 1.08.

What the aim of this fan patchnote? Do you think devs read it or you have good contact with them or they your friends and will listen to you. I mean in last time most of these changes just ignored by them, for example Nvidia support which is good for everyone and not like balance changes

The aim? To make a better game for all of us. Do I think that they read it? I would hope so since our team sent them direct messages and they enacted some of them. It doesn’t mean that they read it, took it to heart, or what-not, but it is better to die trying than not to try at all.

Here’s an idea how about add fun to the game. Boredom and repetitiveness is overwhelming.