Next dlc?

Has anybody heard the news that the next dlc could be the 87 version Dutch? I personally don’t hate the idea I really dig Arnold but any others seen similar? Also if not Arnold any thoughts or fun speculation what would be a cool next fire team? Any comic readers? With that said what other predator do you think will come out? If you’ve read the comics you probably know of Ahab I think that would be badass. I think a cool edition would be the leader from Shane Blacks Predator even though it wasn’t incredible. Seems like he’d make a good recon or scout type. Any thoughts

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He’ll probably end of either being free or paid, probably paid, and I do know that the next predator dlc is going to end up being mr black from Predators… but he’ll probably arrive in September

It would be sick to see mr black but why you think he’s the next pred?


The only thing I know is on the schedule is CH’s gear, early access will be up in Sept.

So it will be free for all then. But haven’t seen anything about Pred’s or even August yet.

in regards to new content this is what we’ve seen so far in terms of games files it’s very common that when a patch takes place future content is put in placeholders or partially done just so that the next update isn’t obscenely large
of it which is the next DLC? idk take a guess
and then in the next patch where City hunter wrist rockets become free Old hamlet said

Jeri the synthetic Xenomorph has been confirmed as the next FT DLC


I kinda hope Dutch 87 is just a free “variation” skin for Dutch 2025, just seems like it’ll basically be a reskin of 2025 anyway. more than likely he will have the same voice lines as the current one. Still hoping for a new predator as well this month tho, hoping for Mr black personally I’d like to see how he will play in this game.

Dutch 87 will be free with the new last stand mode

As far as I can tell, you’re right. Actual VO lines coming out of Dutch currently have been significantly tapered to a relavant few. This is evident because I haven’t heard him say “Dillion!” or “kill em!” in a long long while. Plus he says stuff at the end of matches so rarely it seems that they only began triggering weeks after the skin launched.

We need new map new modes and new content for fireteam like weapons and gears.


And classes.

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More than likely the August update will be 14th if there going for a Friday release schedule, if not then 12th to match June, or the 17th to match July.

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I’m guessing the 17th


Or the 21th

I really hope not, I’m getting snippy.

The 14th will be the update I’m almost 90% sure it will be then or earlier.


Dutch 87 update with a reskin of Dutch (free for ppl who bought him I assume) and a reskin of the hammerhead and knife.

Also new map and gamemode for free content


I just bought Dutch yesterday cause I’m hoping for 87 Dutch to be free for people that own 2025, which is mostly likely be the case.

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I was thinking a free update but in that case he should cost V assuming 25k like a mythic

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I like the idea to have to earn the skin bring in players especially if its 87 Dutch, imo it should have different stats but I doubt it. Or a 150 reward for fireteams who own Dutch like the elite skins for 100. Fireteam needs some sort of reward for leveling up.

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