They already gave the Reasonable alternative. The JH mask.
They shouldn’t have to make the entire class free. You got the Mask. And I wouldn’t be upset if they let Skin pattern. But for the Armor and his model. No sorry. That is un-fair the the Pre-Order players. Unless they compensate the Pre-Order players with something. Like maybe The Jungle Hunter with a different spec. Like Idk cough cough Jungle Hunter Disciplined instead of Tactician. @Kassinaillia hint hint.
Give them the Variant JH with the current hunter model. So they dont get the way his fave looks. And then the Players that have the Pre-Order JH get a spec added and one removed. So its still special to the Pre-order plyers!! Hint hint
@Elliott626 @REYNOSO_FUA11 @Fire @KameofWar @Derangedxeno_02 @Forever_Mello @ArtforBlood
Pre-Order players I know have a strong feeling for the dlc!!