Predator modifications

Wow you’ve got a lot of posts about suggestions. Some of these don’t seem like they belong in this game, but in like an RPG.

Obviously we’re not getting everything we ask for, but it never hurts to try


The more ideas that are out there the more they can pull from and modify.


This a fact
Sure some of our idea get pushed around or forgotten, but some of our suggestions do eventually make it to the game.

Just look at the rocket launcher, that was a joke weapon people suggested and it made it to the game. I haven’t used it yet because I’m only going to buy FT DLC when it’s on sale, and that’s IF I feel like it.

Currently I have Dutch 2025 and every Predator (including JH87)

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Alright I see you and @Robo_2696 point

Something I think would be cool 🤔
How about some extra options for your vision mode

  • Sonar
  • X-ray vision
  • A vision that sees only motion
  • A vision mode that can see tech

Or a specialization that gives you some added benefits

  • A lazer attached to the PC
  • Extra perk points
  • More quiet while cloaked

And maybe a few other benefits that could be discussed
(Also posted it in Predator specialisations Ideas, Predator Specializations Thread)

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This was inspired by

Posting this here as well


The idea is: because these slower melee weapons are so slow and the likelyhood that you might swing the weapon at a bad time will allow an the extra plasma strike to remain in midair so that you can let that be to your Pred’s advantage and lay in another strike that then narrows the area the FT has to move about without getting hit by the plasma streak.
So if not 1.5 seconds maybe even longer (say 3 seconds) in mid-air. so that you carve out a narrow field of plasma.

A Sniper Spec for Predator would be awesome like for those who use the bow or the shooting weapons in general.

I liked the idea and I modeled a plasma katana prototype with a plasma charger (functional)
All opinions are welcome! :)

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I like this angle
It’s a good close up

Rope Dart/Grapple Claw:
Should latch onto a FT member like claws on a grappling gun and, like the netgun (trapping victims) , cuases the FT member to no be able to shoot their weapons and pulls them towards you in a violent tug and they will end up right in front of you.
You could also do this while in the trees pulling FT members into the trees for a brief moment.
They may seem to be slightly higher above the pred making them groundless.
During this time and this time alone, there will be a unique Stealth attack dealing alot of damage much like the other stealth kills.

That looks hella awesome and now I want it 😍😍😍

Dude these are super dope looking
What one will effect will you do next (poison, ice, Alien blood, or maybe even lightning)
You working on any other weapons with these effects.
What are you using to make these

Thx man!
I’m making a weapon with facehugger blood :)

Your last one was pretty good, can’t wait to see your next project

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I currently use Substance Painter, 3d-Coat or Mari to retex
To model, remodel and also give effects I use 3Ds Max sometimes.
Render: V-Ray 5 , Corona 6, Octane or Unreal Engine (Real time render with Ray Traycing )

Thx!! ^^

I feel like blood rage should just be a means to use your second wind offensively IE it puts your 2nd wind on CD gives you the “shield” then you gain an increase to your maximum stamina increases the CD of your 2nd wind by 3minutes If it still sucks it could also give a bonus to melee dmg but I’d you use It 2 times in one match it costs your mask