Predator specialisations Ideas

Or a specialization that gives you some added benefits

  • A lazer attached to the PC
  • Extra perk points
  • More quiet while cloaked

And maybe a few other benefits that could be discussed
(Also posted in Predator modifications and Predator Specializations Thread)

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After playing a few classes such as the CH and berzerker, i think we should have a stamina booster. One that will allow for a few more combistick attacks without having to wait for the cool down. it such a painā€¦

But maybe for Predator specialization we must actually trade in with V? I donā€™t think we should just get them like FT did. PPL who are hardcore and know what they need with Predator should be able to weed out the useless specializations. lol! Yes, there should be a truck load of useless ones too!

I donā€™t think specializations should be tied to just one predator, so every Predator will have the chance to use the same specialization any other Predator has access to.

I wouldnā€™t mind buying them and with VT, but some people might

Concrete jungle had weapons you could mix and match for duel wield?

Yes, you use your Smart disk, Combi and Wist blades to preform very deadly combos.

You would always have 3 weapons available at one, they were separated into different categories.

  • Range

    1. PC
    2. Spear gun
    3. Smart Disc
    4. Traps
  • Heavy Attack

    1. Combi Stick
    2. Glave
    3. Maul
  • Light Attack

    1. Wrist blades
    2. Hand (used to bitch slap and grab people)

You also could heal or roar(use vocal mimicry) at anytime, with a single button press

Wait like duel wield duel wield or just comboā€™s.

Dual Weld would be interesting and fun. but iā€™m not sure if there would be a point to it other than glossy aesthetics.

Assassins Creed (valhalla) has this pretty much integral to its mechanics but there are tons of weapons in which i think compliments this. Not so in the Yautja realm of things. If they suddenly drop 40 new weapons of various legendsā€¦then maybe they should think about it.

Yes and no
Wrist blades would be on your right hand and Maul would be in you left

You could mass heavy or light to just use one, but combo with both and youā€™d swing both at the same time (depending on the combo)

And at any point during the combo you could use your PC without ending the combo

I forgot the traps you could throw down at any moment

(I edited them in)

Your telling me using elder sword with PC would be cosmetics? Hmm HMMM


I believe he was referring to do willing wrist blades

IDK Iā€™m Tired

Dual Weldā€¦like One hand holds Elder sword the other a warclubā€¦i thought that was what you guys wereā€¦talking aboutā€¦nvrmnd.

Unfortunately not
But now that youā€™ve mentioned it. It would be interesting to see how it could be implemented in the way you just described

Dual wield would be awesome. Net launcher and sickle would be the meta.

Itā€™s a bit complicated. My idea is that each weapon and gear would be assigned to be either left handed, right handed or two handed, you can use one right handed weapon and one left handed weapon at a time, and one two handed weapon but nothing else. It doesnā€™t literally have to be in your hand so PC would be left handed.

If your still confused I made a vid I can share.

My idea (Net Gun/Launcher gear idea) being used in dual wield would be pretty deadly

Hell using Wrist Launcher, Net Gun, or HHPC would be pretty OP

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Pretty much Concert Jungle in a nutshell, but Iā€™d still like to see your video

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Donā€™t judge me :P

Your dual system, again is very to Concrete Jungle, is alright but I donā€™t think gear(excluding wrist launcher) should be useable wile using another weapon. Gear should be also considered a two-handed weapon.

Now to justify my it being considered a two-handed weapon we should be allowed to smack people while itā€™s equipped, the smack should be about 15 damage (regardless of what Predator is used)

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