Predator Weapon concept thread

We all know these will never become a thing, but still its cool to think about all the tech and weaponry that the Yautja have access to, the possibilities are endless



Enables Yautja to swing around like fukin spider man. Can extend up to 30 meters, and are retractable.

Metal grappling hooks/drills allow the user to either attach to a surface or wrap around one.

Attack use: user can deploy hooks to ensare prey (kind of like the whip) dealing damage, and forcefully pulling prey towards the user when retracting.

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A grappling hook is a great idea. as a reward I shall give you my seed.

Iā€™m not very creative so Iā€™d love to see more ideas like this.

I thought of liquid metal wrist blades, but it felt stupid so I stopped thinking about itā€¦

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Pretty sure these have all been mentioned


Shuriken - Make it boomerang style with auto tracking so if you throw it while your character is on the crosshairs the shot will land no matter what. Canā€™t have too much ammo or deal much damage if thatā€™s the case.

Auto-Tracking Plasma Caster - Have it lock to a target like in the movies, at the expense of reduced damage. FT can dodge the shot only by taking cover.

Whip - Low damage ā€œrangedā€ melee weapon. Cannot be parried.


Proximity Mines - Self-explanatory. Non detectable unless using UAV Scanner or Sixth Sense

Hanging traps - You get flipped upside down. You need to cut yourself down and take fall damage.

Grappling hook - Can be used to reach ā€œunreachable areasā€, draw an enemy closer (in disorientated state), or leap further from a branch like in Batman Arkham City.

Kujhad - Deployable device that will temporarily disrupt FT mission objectives making them unable to be interacted with or taking a longer interaction

Shard - Quick slight HP boost instead of long prolonged healing. Can be used before engagement to increase HP pool before attack, sort of in an ā€œarmorā€ way

Falcon drone - Find the FT wherever they are and tag them.


I would love to have the ā€œnetā€ of the feral predator that we can use to instant kill downed FT. Probably just have one or two on the pred per game and can be a nice way to counter field medic.

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Iā€™d really like my pred to have the ability to shut the fuck up



We need basekit Disciplined on all PredatorsšŸ˜‚

At the very least reduce the frequency & volume of clicking noises, along with heavily lowering the volume of footsteps, vision mode swaps, cloaking/de-cloaking, and tree traversal sounds.

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There needs to be some kind of choice. Similar to a sniper holding his breath in sniper games, I do enjoy that you can kind of ā€œhuntā€ the ft or pred based off sound cues but thereā€™s no way to choose to be silent for extended periods.

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I have that. All specializations available for all classes. Hell of a mod

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You bastard, you stole Specialist from cod! Hope its worth $30k

Jelou OP, nerf jelou

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Are you able to combo Specs? Like equip Disciplined and Stalker? Or is that not in the programming

Care to share?šŸ˜‚

Btw seeing as you hack the game etc. Why doesnā€™t anyone do something interesting like make a custom Predator Class or download leaked stuff from the Game files like Trackerā€™s Biomask instead of just hacking to win games easily?

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Maybe if illfonic fucks up next update, itā€™s my project

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When is the next update supposed to be anyway?

That is not on the programming.

Closest things is FT passives, which I tried to add them all to support class, but all I got was UI icons. They didnā€™t work even when hosting a private match.

Weā€™ve looked into loading texture changes and other models, sadly we havenā€™t been able to get it to work without an instant crash. Even with stuff that is in the game, such as impact grenades for the grenade launcher, we still crash immediately. The few instances I have managed to do some drastic changes without crash, I immediately crash when I get into a match with other people.

I have no interest in leaking information as we have seen files from predator DLC that where added to the game almost a year before it was released. Which means illfonic might put stuff there that might take a year to release, or may not release at allā€¦ like Tank class, files are all there, but we have no way of adding it as a selectable class. I tried to substitute another class with it, but canā€™t even get the model to load.

Is not easy, and this is like my second time modding a game, and the first one was probably before you were born, lmao

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Fucking impact nades, cuz thatā€™s definitely what the fireteam needs. Fuck my life.


Imagine impact grenades with a 1.5-2sec reload speed, 10 shot clip on an Unleashed with Bane. I would be in heaven against fucking melee Preds.