its getting worse and worse

They communicate with the community twice a month and provide information regarding that current month’s content updates.

We bought this game after experiencing Friday the the 13th, which only ever had 1 game mode for online play.

I never anticipated nor expected another game mode until @IllFonic said they were working on another game mode.

For me the game is what I thought it would be and just expected regular releasing of new DLC gear, cosmetics, Predator’s, Fire Team Members and eventually maps.

I’m content with the product but also aware it will improve with time and updates.

I’m a creative that earns a living designing things. Content, especially creative content takes time to ideate, implement and test — it doesn’t appear out of thin air.

Be patient, enjoy the game for what it is.


What if it’s a epic thing or a song thing why do we always try to blame the little guy, because shit rolls downhill I mean really

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These are my biggest reasons for playing less. I’m sure there are many other players that feel the same.

I agree, I thought for sure I’d be in that boat but the samurai predator really threw me off. When the fuck were they samurai? In the comics or something?

Why are stats or leaderboard ranking a priority for you?

It’s an asymmetrical survival game, not COD nor a fighting game like Killer Instinct.

Because, there isn’t much to do after hitting platinum. I always imagined having some kind of interactive trophy case that would serve as some sort of stat tracking menu. I know that illfonic probably isn’t capable of that, but something to track progress beyond a thousand claims would be nice. I don’t even bother claiming anymore, unless it’s to use as a finisher. And I have three mythical trophies that I can only wear one at a time, so even trying to, luckily, acquire more of those is not motivating either. Even as predator, the game has become somewhat stale for me.


Trophies shouldnt be just something attainable in order to wear. The evidence is the scene at the end of P2. So although i like the idea of wearable trophies I also like the idea of somehow obtaining larger ones to showcase in a trophy room. Its always been part of the lore, and i hope illfonic makes it happen somehow. i’m sure it would be loads of fun!


So u think its normal that a game of 2020 realeses with 3 maps? and one game mode? imagine a normal team shooter is going to be realesed with 3 maps

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Wrong genre, this is entirely normal in asymmetrical multiplayer.
(I do wish it wasn’t)

They general add a map every 3 to 4 months in this genre.


More thoughts just in general…

If I was in their shoes my plan would be to drop one larger map now. Then every month for the next 3 months I’d drop night (even if lit by fires to make work) versions of the current maps.
With the next large update in 4 months, so December.

Even that might be a tight schedule to rework the existing maps. If it wasn’t and there was time, I’d also make stripped down versions, with nothing modern. Something purely jungle, add more ground cover and emulate the first movie’s density.

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It’s an independent studio during the middle of a Pandemic buddy.

PHG could’ve had release pushed back because of everything.

I’d rather have it released with 3 maps than not being able to play it at all.


NObody told you they have to pay ppl to work on maps?

Let me tell you Fornite is free and look at their business: Looks like what college stupids whip up during one of their mornings in a lab.

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Lol PH:G has a bit more nuance than fortnite @ADIsnap . They can’t just release a big open empty map with a building in it & some platforms. It’s not a team shooter, good maps are designed with balance in mind + missions, voicelines etc. Predkour struggles on backwater as is.

They could release a crap map if they wanted, make a ring around the reinforcement radio as the sole objective and call it “King of The Hill” but that would be lazy and bad.


I’m with @aaronBLUEeyes on this one. I knew exactly what to expect when I played the trial weekend, and although there were some bugs and such, I knew that “over time”, this would be a great Predator game.

I’m pretty happy with what we’ve got at the moment. Hell, I was mega happy when they released the Elder Predator in June. Was totally unexpected along with the level cap and that was a real treat for my inner fanboy. Yes, the game still sufferes from some really annoying bugs, yes it does become repetitive due to the lack of variety, but I know that over time, Illfonic really do care about the IP and I’m confident that by the end of the year it will be in a much better state.

With all the stuff that’s been datamined too, I’m rather happy with the direction the games going. I do agree that more communication would be great, but I really dont blame them sometimes due to the general toxicity of the community. Its a minority rather than the majority, but it’s quite frequent, especially on this forum.

I think were in good hands, and I’m really looking forward to more updates.


Next release will be substantial. Very substantial. There will be a number of fixes for some particularly annoying issues (ie Predators should no longer auto-snack on boars), and…

I’ll get myself into trouble. What I will say I’m expecting the next two weeks to be very exciting.


That would have been me. I won’t talk on specifics because nothing has been announced about the map other than it is inbound. I don’t want to take the wind out of the sails for the actual announcement. The crazy thing about IllFonic, as it stands in contrast to the rest of the industry, is how surprisingly not-toxic the internal culture is. So, I avoided sharing too many details not of fear of a negative outcome, but simply cause it’s not in the company’s best interest to completely ignore the announcement plans. It is on me, though, for trying to make my statement funny :p

We will share things when we can, and as the future comes, I hope we can help open up the gates a little more each time.


So…tomorrow when that update drops right?

That’s genuinely really great to hear.

Thanks for taking the time to address the concerns mentioned here.

I totally respect you not wanting to interfere with internal announcement plans. What I don’t quite understand is why the internal plans themselves seem to be as tight lipped as they are.

We’re not expecting any employees to disobey company policy. I think we’re just hoping company policy to be a little more ‘open & forthcoming’ with information. :)


Pls fix the wrist blade melee attack when you are trying to shoot an arrow with the Yautja Bow…

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@OldKingHamlet YOU SON OF A BITCH!! Lol. Thank you for the update! That one message consisting of just a few sentences, I’m sure is going to make a lot of fans extremely excited! I know it has for me! Roll on the next 2 weeks 😁😁


I figured that they had big plans glad to see my optimism wasn’t for nothing.

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